'-"e e T »O. &a@ fiis mon anad li wife..Ho funiaks h. le teilli gthé truth.Dut quiz him aad h. will recit. Ciao niai. of his motor-corlbis bat, lis- shirt, lis si lis 'Sloes, l6is foot4la stei. lis towoels, <d lifiit.. * . lthaccent on th. "ad' S. will bis wif. regardiaag ler persoai ltinhs. lai ather words, théy ore oïl aiv.atIsed products. JUST'.IMAGýIN'E WHAT LIFE WOULD BE LIREAIF TOMOROWTHERE WAS NO MORE ADVERTISING Sto>p and think a minute. Imagine what life would bcealief from tomorrow on there was no more advertising. Even the man and woman who l«neyer reads the ads"' would find something vital missing- from the, lie. 'You can no more escape the power of the printed word than you can evade eating and sleepin~g. tdon with'the poclcetboolc and there is nothing more intimate and personal. The important thing is flot merely to "1read the advertisements but to -read-ALL of them. The one advertisement you «ldidn't sec" 'may conta in. information you would give a lot to possess. Cer- will OW 09.