me tr Christian Science, as discovered, Clii taught, and founded by Mary Baker j is div t eacnts the inifii dl were sorei eI mies, Godt ,or( éne- onie One'of the Greatest LampVa/ues We ver. Ofered This beautiful floor study lamp at the amazing low price of4 DOWN-,$1 MONTH ON SERVICE BILL * Without doubt, one of the Most outstanding lanip values we've ever offered. A high qluality floor st udy lamp, scientifically designed to give better light, -for only $6.45. What Every $6.45 floor stu Jamp cardes the approi Of eh Iluintnena r *mandiate 91 good, tw do rnis great li needful work Christian Science-is îîot mcrely "aii- other deniominiationi." ' t is 'not 'just another sect * Christian Science is the laNN of Life. When this is seen. the, terni "'Christian Science" wvill uîever be. used, lightly. Words ar-e symbols of thouight. The words ma-% be easily spoken, but care..and atten i- tion are 'required in order that the thotight may be comprehended. How%% easy'it is to' speaic the word "lifeé"! How vast is the true concept of Life! Dioesit fot tfàke much patience, watchfulness, and love to understand Life? Our relations with cour fellow men give us conitinuai oôpportun ities. t6 use what we understand-of Life, God, and- ni man, who is the.trýuc ex- pression of Life.. What happiness it gives1 us wvhen we se in the simple~ affairs of daily living the proof thal a valuable rule of Life has been i op. .erly applied! What a blcssing ,it is to10 nowta't God's law is ever availabie 10 sole the problcmnsof 'N-Iipinexistence!,As w~e each cast OUf'lN(thought' unjutst Criticistni, suspicion ,, angl*er. inipurity, Imptence n every false sense that'rna.N,'caimtn10 ,find lodge. ment theire, rernembcring thiat thesý:. are itot realitiesý. but mlerclly beliefs, then apgels corne ai (l nîiiisterunt lis, anid we find oui- livés beconili', more liarmonious. Our uisefufl xork is Iess hiampered, oui-. helpiullness greatIv en1aiced. Thiis i.s 1,1e .prac tice of truc. forgivenless. Thîis is cs- senitial to Chistian tihealiing and living. 1-ere ive sec the change that Chrisciail Science is irnakùiig inii idividuai ch-iar. acter and lufe, in so far as this teaclh iig is faithfully applied. 1h te itito ail the cietails of oiic's life, strengthening 'all that is goocl, ami' insurin g the success of ai) righiteouzs endeavor.> ATTEND GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Aldrich of 1510 WVIlmette avenue retUrned on Sunday 1141 Central-Avenue iMr. and Mrs. E. C.' Hurley, 514 Gregory avenue, moved to Wilmette Iast fail from 1101 Pratt boulevard, Chicago. They have two. smalî sons,, Donald, 55/2 years oid, and a baby, James, who is 15/2, t t p