LOVELY HOMES8 SURROUNID THIS blgh. lot ln excellent location. Con- ven lent to transp. To settie estate. -BAtJMAN-COOK 553, Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3450 114LTN848-tc WANTED TO BUY-146ÙBES LIST YOUR HOUSE OR VACANT NOW. HAVE INTERESTED BUYERS. FRANKLIN WANNER 19S. LaSalle Sta. Sli.-Kenl.- 5111 WANTED- HIGH- GRADE MODÏERN House (Wilmette to Highiland Park). Wi1I give my clear, modern 8-room house Must haVe 5 Bedrooma 'and 2 Bath. In Wllmette (East Side). and add $10,000 cash. Write B-419, Box. 60, Wiimette, Illinois. 1 13L.TN38-ltc ACREAGE ANDETA S 5 Acres, nr. Wllmette. Price ... . 3,500 10 Acres, nr. Winnetka.........-1 00 20 Acres, West of Glencoe....... 22,000 -Fine Wooded homesite.......... 2,800 L'ewis . Dodds, Winnetka (RFEENLEAF 2738 i24LTI'?Z38-1tc REAL ESTATE LOANS ANY TYPE FIRST MORTOAGE that you may desire on improved property. 4% to 6% IMMEDIATE PERSONAL SERVICE Minimum commission W. G. RUGOLES & CO. 517 Davis 'Street -UNI. 6886 HOL. -6886 WIL. 1660 Construction Loans WE:AR:E IN THE MARKET FOR'DE- sirable buildin aso well-lcae North Shore propertY. $,5,000 AND'UP 500 nterest if securlty warrants, We aiso have special funds available for lm- * nediate commltment on new or refinanc- Ing lbans. $2,000 TO $20,000- 2 tile baths. 011 heat. Att. 2-car garage. Price $16,500. BAUMANN-COOK 553 Linciln Ave.ý Winnetka, &450 FOU SÀLE-ýHOUSEH-OLD 30600 1WE SUGGEST. AS Best Buys o'f the Month Beaut. mah. grandfatheri's çock f or that 1bare corner or stair landlng, fine cond.-. (co$t $185).* Can be purchased for $85. Wal. chest on- chest (reproduction), only $45. Antique spool bed, complote, $35. The Red FlarningO Shop 970 Linden AvMe. Winetka "2067. 12eLT.N38-ltp TWIN METAL4 BED WITH COIL spring, $15.* Mah. chiffonier, $10. ivory vanity and bench, $12. Painted dressing tableéç-and. ber ch, $8. Wicker Chaise lounge and chair, $8. Round ivory table and 4 chairs, $8. Walnut console table, $5. Ph. Glencoe 1018. 1,29LTN38-ltp OBLONG WALNUT DINING ROOU table, 3 extra extensions. Pads to covrer completely, 5- chairs and arm- chair good -cond. Also crystal ehandelier. 117 Third St., Wilmette, nr. Isabella -L Sta. _______ 129=T38-ltp SINGER TREADLE MACHINES$5 M'ilicox and Gibbs el. console sewtng machine. Only $39.50. New White con- soles $1 aà vek Guaranteed. 1114 Pavis, St., Uni. 0990. 129LTN38-,4tp MUST BE SOLDI3BY 1'EBRUARY 1ST Living rni., dlining I'ni., bedrm. furni- ture. Very irasonably priced. For in- formation cal I Winnetl<a 2067. 129LTN38-lte L4ARGE THOR WASHER 742 Custer, Evanston Uni. 2220 1ZSLTNS8-tfe Junk- Deler--Golman. IGHEBSTpPRICES -PAID VQRALL kids ot junk and old clotheii. Phone .Willette 5426, Winnetka 3720. 13ZLTN37-4tp< Junk Daler-Phil Schuman hfest market. price for paper. inga- 1 .nes, rags, old I ron,. scrap metal, bathtubs anld men's old cloth1ng.ý Phone' Wilmette 349. 132LT1N36-4tpv WANTED-PAÏIR 0F SKIS. 7-8 FT., 1long. Must. be ln good condition. Boas. Phono Greenleaf 2980 after 6 :30 P. M. 132LTN38-ltp WANTED-2 PAIRS 0F SKIS IN good condition, sizesa 6 and 7 feet., MIONE WILMETTE 2977 132LTN!38-ltc WiLL, P;AY $100 CASH FOR GOOD usedsmnall grand piano. Phone WII- mette 2139 132LTX39-ltp EXCHANGE-MISCELLANEOUS WILL SWAP 22-ft. SPEED BOAT for xvhat have you. 806 Oak, Wtinnetka. 133LT38-1tlp OIDINANCE -NO. 17SD AN ORDINAÂNCE relating to alcohollc liquors and pro- hibiting the sale at retail of alcoholic liquors in the Village of Wllmette, and prov,(ilngpenalties for the violation theroof. .,:1. ..1 .. 267.129LTN38-ltp (1) The word "alcoliol" means the (ý'OOl<INGx STOVE. GOOD CONITON roduct of distillation of any fermented OPEN COI BE SPRNG NI3liquid, wvhthier rectified or dil.uted, OIRN COILBED PRIN ANDwhatever nmay be the origin thereof, and PF'ELT MATTRESSES. Bothlu i good includes synthetic ethyl alcohol. Tt does conld. Cheap. Call about 6. P.M. WIN- not include denatured alcohol.,or wood NETKA 1526. 129L38-lt acool WTD. TO BUY---HSEIOLD. GOODS (2) The wvord "Ispirits", means any -beverage. w eic icitains.alcohol..ob-, C ASH-1F OR YOUR USEýD FURNITURE, tained. by distillation, mlied With water modern or antique. and other house- orother substance lu solution, and in- hol d artieles.. cludes brandy,> runi, whilkey,, gin or. Will alsýo accept your fumniture on con- othler -spirituous liquors, and sc sigumont basis. liqjuors Mhen rectified, blended or other- CROST FURNITURE STORE , wise mixed with alcohol or other sub- -Established 1898 stances. 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston Uni. 0189 <2) The - vord "wine" means any agent servant or employee, andi u.wu incîudeùs soliiciting or receiving-an order or orders for, kêeepng or exposing for sale, and keoping, with intent .te seli. SECTION 2:. No person, firn, or corporation, whether principal, proprie- ton, agent, servant or employee,, shall seli at retail any alcoholic liquor wlthln the Village of.Willmette. .SECTION 3: Any person, firm or corporation, whether ,principal,. piroàprio- tor,. agent, servant or employeë,,violat- lng this Ordina nce shaîl be ftned hlot less than Twenty-flve Dollars ($25.00) 'or more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each offense, and. each day on which such violation occ ur s or. during which such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 4; The articles, provision&, and sections of this Ordinance shali b. deemned to ho separable, and the th- validity of any portion of this Ordinance.. shall not affect 'the validity of the re- mainder. SSECTION 9. AUI Ordinances, parts of Ordinances and resolutions in confliet herewitlh are hereby repealed,- pro- provided, however, that this Ordinance shah. not be eonstrede4.or 4eld tb e ?peai any former Ordinance or- parts of Ordinances, whether such former Or- dinance or parts of Ordinanees are expressly repealeil or not, as to any offense committed under said former Ordinance or parts of Ordinances, or as to any act done, any penalty, for- feiture or punishment incurred, or in any way whatever to affect any such offense so committed or done, or any penalty, forfelture or punishment so, lncurred before this Ordinance takes are sqn.a.ta ny .inanc*.. SECTION 6: This ordinance shaîl be lu full force and effeet from and a.fter its passage, approvai and publication as required by law. PASSED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilniette on the 2lst day of January, A. D. 1936. NICHOLAS P. 1MILLPR, Village Clerké. APPROVED by the President of the Village of Wilniette, this 2lst day of January, A._D._1i3._ TCHELL . BOY'S 137A-LTN36-4tP. 1962.- BIC buy. 131LT%8-ltp1 [y >licensed, 'i ', upon betig mhd kept ogn ml orae1 U or Led, shall be re- athie place of Glien - coe 309 UNivmny 7317