Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1936, p. 3

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Thrle. near-çapacity audience of 1,000 per-sons that greeted De Cou's dream * pictures. of the Italian lakes ast Sun- * Sèhiool wiII be on hand again this .Suniday. for more dream picture Nwithi * musical accompaniment,_ "Alluring Balh thçî. Last Paradise," undèr thé. auspàces of thè Nçw Trier Sùnida-y Evéning club. Thislectuï*é is,,divided ii1ito the showing of more. thanl 300' colored slides a nd several reels o.f *-movies, and' the, accompaniment ill reproFdt'e Balinese music.. * 'Prçec@iing the De Cou prograin * heew-i le igigby the Skokie icool (\V" innetka) Mlàdrigal club, a chorus, of . 60 grl rom th Skokie *pllcschôoIl, under the direction of ar.iice Xingling. The club wilil * rresent.three, groups 'of songs, iii- .cludiig a group of Scotch folk-sonigS. 'l'ie Rev. Amos, Thornburg. pastor of the Wilmette :Parish. Methiodîst chinrcli. w give the ýinvtocationi. * - Variety.of Scenee loi<sequences in the Bali lec- iture coinprisýe suicl subjects as trao)r<inary Ducks and Pigs of Bali" "tuJ;e Alonig the Roacis and' ii th(, *Rice Sa ahs, *Road Markers and RoadIside,.Type," "Market' Scen es,' 'Cock Fights in Action." ".Cereii-al. l)anlces anid Activities of the Creiar- in" 'he Famous I.egonig (danice> iiActïi," "The,,Unique S'ittinig I)àlice*l)\ the Reigning Star of Bali.- O>peing. with pictu-res of Siniga- -pore, Mr- I)e Cou takes his audience bv1 streamer to Bali, showing the lrice culture, explaining the Dutch policy> for the- h4inese. Th-ere are miles of rice terraces, gorgeous tropical :foli- age the Friday evening iiaive dance. temple* architecture of Bali, the bat. cavé. ýwater palace of Oodjong. fight- 1119,cocks,, maragé ceremony, sacre& (lancers,- lpvely landscapes. Large Audienýe certain NMr,. De 'Cou is:lnoted for hi s perfect photographs., artistic, informaâtive, an d always draws à, large audience to hea r him. The public is invited, to hear -himn. There is nio admiissioni charge, instead a collection is takeni tip during the lecture. the' Sof: the;- netka Villag e hall At this meeting the police chiefs. wiil present for discussion the pro- grai they have prepared ini the inter-, est .:of safe, driving.. Among othe! thinigs the proposed plan provides for a- slhbol, of driving, to be held alter- nately ini Wilmette and Winnetka, to whiich aIl citiztens of New Trier town slii will he eligible and earnestly ini vited to participate.. The- olject, as- stated, is to reducL injuries to> persons. andl property an(! prevent- tragic deaths, hy inducini safer and more careiul'driving. T he sp eaker will,.be*,Geo rge Barton, director of safety and trafflc engin 1- ecring oôf the Chicago, Motor. club; chairman of the Ameérican Automo- bile association's safety comimission. and an officiai 6f thée Amnerican luns- titu.te of. Trafflc Eiigineefs,%vhose, sul)ject Willbe, -Cooperation in Saf-, ety Eduicationý." E. B. Knudtson Officiai of New Bank in Chicago E. B. .Knudtson, of the Knudtson Mortgage and L oan company, \Vil- mette, bas been elected senior vice- 1resident and a director .of the ýMadi- son-Crawford Natioinal bank of Clhi- cago. This nev financial institution, whichi ias a paid in capital, surplus and re-, serve .of $300,000, is the first national l)ank ii the 'United States chartered this year. Anotilier Wilnmettt& resident. H. A. Pinriev, 833 Greenwood avenue, is also a nember of the board of directors. The batik will open for business Sat- urdav, January.25. Anita Willétts Burnham to.Speak:at St. John's On Friday even in g, ait 8 o'clock, Anita Willetts Burnhamn, noted trav- eler, will deliver -ber new lecture 01n Mr$. J3ernicc 'T. Vait der Vriesý of 1,iinnietka, state legisia for foni te 7tIt -istrict, u'ilI address---he- W'iiiiettc Citic Ica-tic Frida.. nliooný of -tiis zveek at Marshall Ficld's r-- tail store. W4onl of the 'zilttge have been es/'ecia11i wged tb at- lcdtiis Iiucheon eetiig.. K. of C. GownciI Will 1* Observe Ladies' Night. Ladies Night will be celebrated by Quilmette counicil, No. 922, Knights of Columbus, Monday, evening at 1010 Central avenue. Wives of the members will be the guests of honor. Antrti Ludovice is assisting Lecturer Ç;5eorge White in making preparations for the affair. A very capable or-* chestra has been engaged and buf- fet lunch will be served during the evening. ON PENSION BOA ARD At the meeting Tuesday night the ,Village trustees approved the appoint- ment by, President Harry C. Kinne of, jesse R. Gathercoal. 037 Illinois road, to- the Police Pension board, to, fi-Il' the utiexpired term of Max Mueiler, Who p4ssed away. .several m onths ago. I Thé Tatterrman Marionettes, one of the oldest and finest puppet com- panies jn America, will present "The Glowing Bird," a. colorful story of adventure in old Russia, by Edward Mabley, in Wilmette next -week. - The famous troupe is scheduled to appear here on Monday, andTus day, January 27 and 28,' undér spon- sorship of theý Wilmet te ,Tcachers,' club. Performances on Monday will be ini the Howard school auditorium at 2 :30 and 3:~30 oclock,ý and, on Tues-, day afternoon the puppets, will bc viewed ïtf -the Stolp scbool aud- itorium at 3 :30 o'clock. 'Ticke.ts'can.ti be obtained at the- door. berived From Folklobre "The Glowing Bird." is derived from, -a unique body ofciffolk* literature knoôvn -as "skazki." These old Rus- .sian folk tales were the inspiration also for two gre.at musical. works,, Stravinsky's ballet "The Fire Bird". and. Rinisky-Karsakov's opera "Coq, Briefly, the story çenters about - a mytiic1al andlbeautiful creature known as "The Glowing Bird," be- lieved to bring good luck to the kingdom where it dwells. The bird falls under the speil of the evil wizard Kastchey, and is spirited away from the Kingdom of Dolmat.' The, Tsar of Dolmnat, being without an. heir, proclaims that he who rescues the bird shall be the next Tsar of the land. Highly Imaginailve Play Iaa youfig page in the palace, fired with ambition and the spirit of adventure, starts ,on a long search for -the bird. On' the way to Kast- chey's kingdom hbc befriends a bear, who decides to go along with him.. Their adventures with Kastchey and the Baba-Yaga, a fierce witch who, guards bis, life,. are fantastic anid breathlessly exciting. "The Glowing Bird": is a dramatic,. highly imaginative and charmning play -one that will delight parents as wvell as children of ail ages., William. Duncan, director of the Tatterman Marionettess. bas given it his usual, will'be open from -10>a. m. until, p.n. ., and aiiyone is welcome ta -pla Classes in leather work, sewing, fang nleedlework and' otber activities w 1)e iicluded.- MUSIC ............... r SN. S. Personalities ......2 Real Estat ............ 4 Society Pages .......3238 32-39 'E 43W0 your owfl ad. WHIST CLUB HOST Claude E. Fitch was hast to the Men's Whist club at bis home, 1033 Elmwood avenue, Tuesday night. per

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