Lord will pro-, irst National, the star. HOLMES RETURNS Phillips Holmes' ifirst Hollywpod picture in more ýthani a year is "Chat- terbox," starring youthful Anne, Shir- ley. Holmes has been making pic- tures abroad. BeTlITY JONE.S- 1dui types .t Stage nDdoiDacn ChUiren Unand ala. Adéanceci Md ienrèers SCHOOL 0F DANCINGý Dune. Direct., for the Chîigo TrbUne Producer of Djiaeban Katz Kiddie Revu.. S1? HowardI Stret, Evanston Graanleaaf m1m with the serving of the traditional dish of Haggis at 8 o'clock in Matz hall, Winnetka Community House, sponsored by the North Shore Brit- ish-American cl4b. The club players will present a programi characterizing "Rabbies Cronies"-Tamn O'Shanter, by W. Chalmers;, Kate,~ by Miss M.. Hayne; Souter,-,by J. Smith,; Jeaii, by William M. Murdock; Allanl, by R. .Cruthers: Nancy, by Mrs. M,. Snmith; David Sillet, by A. Miller: Doxnmic, Si pson,_ by.D., Mitchel:-. Mary, by, Miss I.1 Forest;-,Hugh, Parker,: by A. McWilliams;. Sawriie, by D. Murdock; John, Rankin, by R. Robertson. Pipe-r Jamieson will ceni-' moniously. usher in the Haggis and also play. for the troupe of Highland dancers , jean McKenna, Marjorie Càble, Edith Campbell, and Marioni Gourley. Thé piano accompanim.ent will l)e ly Mrs. O. R. Smith. Ticketsmaybe hadfrom ail meni- bers or by calling John Cable, Wi *i- netkaî 1345,ý entertainmIent chairman. William Chalnmers, 1808 JuniewayV terrace, Chicago, was .elected presi- denît at the clubs last. regular mieet- ing . He .succeeds John Smith .of Ev- anston who retires after two years as president. Other officers elected are Robert Cruthers, 722 Prospect avenue, Wininetka, vice-president ; Mrs. Donald B~ruce, 841 Ridgewood drive, Highland Park, secretary; Peter M.cfonald, 972 Piiie 'street,. Linden avenue, Winnetka, enitertaii-, ment chairnian. regular Monciay -evening meeting place * from the Shawnee CountrSy c lub to' the new Commun ity Centerz at the School building on Wilmette avenue just west of Ridge road. Anyý boy or girl who, wishes to per- fect skill* in checkers or learn the, ganie Qf Chess, and so ýbrcomeë elegible for the New Trier Chess club is ini- vited to attend the free'lessoi 'is given evèry Monday afternoon by some member of the Wilmette Chess club, betweeni 4 and - 6 o'clock. An' adult or pupil of high school age may re- ceive the sanie instruction each Monday evening. between 7:30 and 11 o'clock :fromi competent chess ex- perts. Some comning attractions will. be demonstrations of Anigel clies's and. the game of four-handed ýchess shown for the first tume at the chess, exh<lihit at a Century of Progress ; a siniultan- eous, Chessexhibition where one of the meémbers of the Wilinette Chess club will take on any number of competi,. tors at the sanie tume; a talk 'on the strategy of Chess, explaining some of the best mnethods of play to achieve success. Prepare Five Sets t for "Tom Sawyer" Scenery for "Tom Sawyer," New Trier High school Dramatic club. production tn heDrenrti1pA Showing at the Wilmette theater Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 'David Copperfield" will demionstrate why 451 ieading critics voted it the best picture of 1935, Th-e cast, boasting six ty- five stars,. reads lîke a-. lue Book of t heàsc r e en. More than a year of 'p reëp a.ration and filming was devoted te "David Copperfield,," and discerning readers a r e commenting on. the picture's lioeiBrryorefidclity to the b o'o k which Charles Dickens, its author,, descri.bed as -ny 'favorite child." W. C. Fields plays .Micawber, tle :nîprovidet* but lovable serio-comic character. Frank Lawton and Freildie Bartiiolot¶ew divide the titie rolc, 1-bonci Barrymore, M.%adge Evan , Mlaureen O'Sutllivani, Edna May Oli ver,, Lewis Stone, Elizabeth 'Allait, Roland 'Young, Basil Rathibone:,.Elsa Lanchester, jean Cadeil, Jes-sie Ral.ph. [.ennox. Pawle, Herbert Mun.din--- these are but a few of the. star-s'and featured players 'who portray "key," parts. This Thursday and Friday are e1e,ý- tric with the excitement of "Rendez- vous," story of spies and the U. S. Intelligence' service. William PO'wèll and Rosalind. Russell score as a light cornedy. team in this entertaining *dward Evreit Horton' Com.dy Star of "Top Hat" mH1S NIGIT OUTO@ SATURDATU JAN. 25 OPEN 12 NOONI Edmundi Low--Karen Morey kthe ThiII'lncq My*"... Chicago's two representatives.i the Big Ten basketball race-N.\orth- wstern and the University of Chi- Scago-will mneet in the first of their Stwo game series at Patten gymnasium. Saturday night The gamne will ýbe Ille first ii two 'years bètween the. teamùs. .Lu 1934,. Bill Haarlow, the' Maroons ace for- ward, led the Midway five to- a 36 tô 34 victory over the Wildcats at jcqte y vm. The situationnwas ne-) In this play, with a large group of Freshman and SQphomore. stu- dents in the cast,. the scenic effects will represent the combined effortsý of Robert Harper of the faculty and his capable stage.:crew. Tfhere. will be fivé different sets. This is -quite unusu9tal silice in pre- vious Freshman-Sopho:more plays.it has been the aim of the directors to keep ail the scenes. confined to as few sets as possible. Hàwever, since \\7i11 Rogers" last picture," I'n Old Kenituckyr," will be a grand 'treat for. everv inemben of the family Tuèsday throtigh Saturday of next week. This film, which many fans consider VWill Rogers' bIest, radiates. humor amin flashes action. The star is his homiely. lovable! self;; trying to -fix up every- thi.ng for everybody and handing out a laugh a minute. The story gallops- thrillinglyý around a race-track, and the rornantiç prize KM* a se o upice ..at alilthp.s Phone DEN ERICKSON WiiImtt. 4092 Served daily, chicken or a steak for .......... 5 Local'ed on West' Lake Ave. Adjomning the Curtis. Air Port in Glomrview Tel. GleavlIeW 449 STAR OF 1ITALIAN OPERA Frank Forest, American tenor re- hearsing for "T he Count of Luxemn- bourg," spent >ten years.on the oper-. atic stage inlItal.y. duce for Wv witb James.-Ca %,~ l 1:3 o 6: 30 p.ra. ~ atim..Dw*lJ THURSDAY. JAN. 23 Pouline Lord-lillie Burket >lasil RatIbon-Wendy Bardie 'l .,