and if intereste4, appointtnents may b. made for inspection rThese up-to-the-minute listings are. for thé Ibenefit of, our. foresighted clients. who want to ikeep in touch w ith the latest advance, offer- Lings. of properties.J WINNETKA-> 1Stucco. 6 rooms, .3. bedrooms, 1 bath, hot water heat (coal). Lot size .50x181. South exposure. 2-car detached garage...$7,500 Modern Brick. 6 rooms, 3, bed- rooms, 2 baths, hot water heat, garage. Deep lot. Subjeet to 1935 taxes. .......... ....... $18000 Stucco. Comfortable 1 rooms, 4 bedroomsý,-1 bathý> bot water heat, 1,-car garage. Possession May' 1 ................................ ....... 1................. $9500 Dutch Colonial Stucco. 7 roomis, 4 bedirooms, 1 bath, bot water oil heat, fireplace, 1-car garage. Con- venient to transportation and schools .............. $10,000 Brick, built in 1928. 7 rooms, -4 bedroorns, 2 baths, bot water oil heat, .detached garage, Lavatoryý let floor. Lot size 50xl87. Original mortgage $12.000. Price. . .. $ 12i500 Colonial Frame. 9 rooms, 6 bed- roons, 2 bathis, sun porches, hot water heat, garage. Xear. grade and high school....... .-$14.000 Engll-sh Brick. and Timbered Stucco. 4 bedroomnsi 2 baths, lava- tory lst floor, hot water oil heat, 2-car, garage. Extra depth, lot...' ................................................ ................ ......$ 14,500 Colonial Prame. 7 rooms, 4-bed- rooms, 1 bath, sun' porch, hot water oil heat, 2-car garage. 87-ft. frontage near New Trier and grade school........... $13,000 English Brick and Timbered Stucco. 7 rooms, 4 bedroonis, 2 I>aths, hot water oil. heat, 2-car garage.' Convenient to lake, schools andI transportationi. Mod- ern ln every respect.......$20,000 Modifled French, Brick. 8 roome, 5 bedroores. 3 baths, lavatory lst floor, hot water cil heat, 2-car garage. Hubbard Woods section .... .... .... ... $25,000 Brick. 10 rooms, 6 bedrooma, 4 baths, 3 showers, sun porch, hot water heat, attaehed heated ga- rage. Large lot, near Indian Hill Club ......... 47,500 Shfore Ice Larnil t Park. Miss Berger u4 Saturdarv, Janiuary 25. also gtve an ex, th'Gle>;coe Iceée For their appearance at the Highland at Bleser's aileys and go into to- Park affai-, the C,,hicago club niembers. night's series with an unscathed rec- have been jerfecting solo and group ord. They copped the opener from numbers wbich incitde somïe of the most the Bronx by the siender margin of unusual and intricate skating in their three pins but notched the next two routine. Spins and spirals, waltzes and by wide margins. ten-steps, lifts and glides-ali executed Meier's Tavern, another squad that QLENCOE-Colonial Frainie. 6 rôoois, 3 bed- Colonial type Brick. 8 rooms, 4 rooms, 1 bath, sun porch, hot bedrooms, 2 tule batlis with water ohl heat, 2-car garage. Lot showers, 2 lavatories, sun porch, 50xl97.. Convenient. location. $10,000 hot water o11 heat, breakfast Englisb type Stone. 7, rooms, 4 roorn, recreation rooni. Provision bedroonis, 3 bath s ower, lava- for extra rooms on thfrd floor. tory lst floor, hot water o11 beat, Includes refrigeration and lino- ýbreakfast room, garage. A house leu. Lt sze 5xlâ.. :_21100 of distinction and charni Larg bure.Lot sze 85145. $1.500 wooded and landscaped lot.:3,00 lu' WILMETTE- Stucco and Frame. 8 rooma, 2 baths, 4 bedrooms, hot water coal, or gas heat, garage. 50-ft. -lot... .... .. ..e .. . Englilsh Brick.* 6 rooime, bed- roomns, 1 bath, sun,-porch, bot water heàt, -2-car garage. SOxiSO. HOLC loan ........... ...$10500, Owuer Foreed to Sell at Beat 0Offer flowers and fruit. Water and. drainage systeni. Large attractive roomis. Living room 36 feet. 3 flre- cPlaces. Located in Indian Hill Gof Cub section on high ground. AUl year comfort and convenitence provided. English Brick. 6 r6oons, 3 bed- rooma,. 1 bath, sun roore. bot water heat, garage. Lot 50x175.' Consideration for cash. ... $15,000 Brick. 6 roonis. 3 bedrooms. 1 £ &A7% - V u ioç ronx Crez made a beiated drivé ini the first haif WiIrnette Ice 1 5 of the OuiImette council, Knights of Wlmette Tailors 1 5 Columbus bowlving league, oniy to Quilmette council has entered six fait a bit short, are deterniined to five-meri teams i the Knights of run away with the second hait of the Columibus state tournament now ini schedule. They trimmed Bronx Cafe progress at the C. Y. O. alicys, Con- in three gamnis iast Thursday night gress and Wabas.h, Chicago. .J3WHTAKER.c REAL ESTÂTE- BUILDING- INSURANCB - LOANS 140 CENTER STREET WINNETÇA 3m5