lege club, witb programs Friday, * Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Menibers of the club's art circle will act, as hostesses this Friday evening, at a dinner in honor of Edgar Rup- precbt, instructor in painting- at 'the Art Institute School :of Painting, Sagtuck, Midi. DiJ -willb', sered t 630, and at 8 o'clock Mr. Rupprechf ' wili lecture on '.The Hof - wan Theory in Painting." MtÀr. Rupprecht is an' artist of note, having Wvon 'the Holmes and Municipal Art League prizes in 1925. He .bas retur ned recently from seven years of. study in Europe, briiiging.with him ideas on the three-dimensional qualities in painting, which he wil discuss ini bis lecture. Several.of his paintings are OU exhibit th.is mionth at the College -club. Two events are on the' club's calendar 'for Saturda'y. At Ill 'ionck, Ha.iriet Goodwin Deuss, lecturer- journalist, will teli "Front Page Stpcies from Moscow and Berliný" basing lier talk on ber keen analysis of the situation in Gemmnany and Rus- sia. Mrs. Deuss will be the club's guest at luncheon following her lec- ture, and at 2 o'clock one of the * club's ~bridge parties willbege. Sunday's prograin will be given at 5 o'clock by Clara E. Laughlin, ber subject being "France Revisited.." This is the first lecture to' be given under. the ternis of a lectureship iund. established ini meiorv of Miss i L~. Glite.ig no ona ilsie : rresistibl o hbeart of every boy, anŽ to thie appeal boysa teChcgoJnor sc*hool oit the Fox river izcar k/ini respond -joyou.sty, as this picture reveals. The siope ipt front of the.school home 011 a farm, of mon v acres, is: dotted with boys and sleds whenever King Boreas is kind and sends more than a lurry of sof t white flakes ta. cover' the grounld. For thtese boys aond their scholarship fund, North Shore Priends of, Chicago.- Junior school devise. varions programs. Members.of this branch are having their an» ual meeting and election of offi- cers Monday at thse home of Mrs. Fredeérick Henkel in Wfinnetka. Reports' including, those describing the work and p-o gi-cs ai thc school zvill bce heard af 1er lu» cheon at 12:30, o'clock giren bit thse cecutive board. On D. A. R. Broadtait Mrs. Fr .ederick C. Minkier, a for-' mer regent of Fort {)earborn diaptet, D.A.R., and Ilinois state chairman of the committec on Americanisin for theorganization*, will be the speaker january* 28, on the State of Illinois D.A.R. radio prograni. Her subject wilI be, "Everyday Aspects 'of Ameni- canism." These radio broadcasts are given on alternate Tuesday mornings at 9:45 o'clQck over station WBBM. Mrs. Minkler; besides holding the offices, already, named. is chairman of At Pr.sidenf's Balil M%-iss Betty Williams, daughter of ~Mr. and Mrs. Stepheû A. Williams, 1325 Chestntat avenue, who is a stu- dent at Chevy Chase junior coilege in Washington, D. C., will attend sev- erai important social events in the east during tie coming weeks. Feb- ruary 29, she will be a guest at the President's bail at the White House, and the early part of- February goes to the Annapolis bail.: She returned to-school : several weeks ago aft er spending9 the Christmas holidays wit h her parents. Dramna Club PrograM. The Draina Club of W ilmette wiI meet Monday evening, january 27, at the home of Mrs. N. P. Linde, 1638 Centrai avenue. Mrs. 'M. C. Good- ricl will read "Accent oùN outh.", Her u&'uý' l-cb t Mc%- legecuu. the Hrinterest in travel and especiaily ini France made the choice of subject seeni particulariy fitting.. Th second in tie series of psychol-i ogy lectures being given by Dr. Charles T. Hoînian oftie. University of Chicago is scheduled for il o'clock .Monday morning. Dr. Hoimani will speak on "Overcoming 1Pears and Worries." Luncheon will follow b is lecture. geles, Sanr Dieg On their way San Francisco, the guests of, L oveland,. TaIks on Art about our KNIT WEAR. DEPARTMENT lb Ellen to Heleni: "Sa you like my ne w knit diess? It does look nice doesq't it and A because,,of Shore Line Cleaners' knIt wear departmeiit. They have a won- derful fltting room and a trained attend- ant whcs measures vour knit dress to CLEANERS Avenue, WMilmette rig a week as A Mrs C. H. o clock. The course ii, open w oclut> members and to non tinmbers tipot; Payment of a $mal( frê. Wilmette -enleaf 3400 G1encoe lme