,Mrs. M. H. L;.lb.r and Irene Sfolofsky, Violinluf, Will 6fr. Program Friday Mrs. Maurice H. Liebrr,' vith lier brisk commnen ts on events of the day. both national and in- ternational, and',a violin soloist, Irene -Stolofsky, ivili .give. the major part of the programn for the January ',meeting of the Woman's Catholic'Club of i- mette Friday afternoon of this week. Mrs. Lieber commences her talk at I:30 o'clock, preceding the regular business session with its reports and annouincements. Miss Stolofsky., who brings talent which.has., von the prais.e of critics, has toured the, United States and Canada, appearing' before many col- leges, universities ,and churchi groups. and has made numerous recordings for the gramaphone. "Her interpreta- tions," critics have said, "are dis-. tinguished by taste and constraint and rh.ythmic control. Her, technique and expression are extraordinary and she is personally attractive." Accompany - iflg Miss Stolofsky at the,, piano wilI. be Magdalen Massmann. During the afternoon a talk ont the effects of relief wil 6e giveni. Host- esses for the afternoon are Mliss, Genevieve Lagen, Mrs. William Redi- k. eld, and Mrs. Harry J. jacobi. ' Music as sung. by a soprano1 witli operatic and concert' expeienice sharing her rogram witb a most able accompanTsti poems, brief and in- timate glimpse8 into the heart of the writer at high-light moments in life, the cleverly effective dramatization of a current "best seller" with memi- bers of the juniors providing sym- tpathetic interpretations-a talk on the Liturgy of the Massý-such ma- [terial fashioned the--first fine arts program of a new year at the Cath- oliç club Friday, January 10. Jack and AI Players Wfl Present "Gyda and the Wizard" at Woman&s Club On Saturday afternoon, .Feb-. jruary, 1I, at 2 o'clock-, the1 jack and.Jili Players under- the 'di- rection of Marie. Agnes Foley wilIl present "Gyda 'and the Wizard" at the Woman',.s Club of Wilmette.eThis is: the second of the ser ies of four children's, plays ýwhich the, children's play coimittee- of theý ways, and ineans committie is..plutting on at, the club.,,Each performance is 'Gyda and the Wizrd" is based on an old *Norse legend, a tale of the. far north, of the Land at the Foot ýof the Rainbow. It tells of Gyda, a littie girl. ivho "wants to know" and of Leif, the chief's son, and their fighit against Angekok the Wizard. There is a dearth of seals, accord- ing to the story; and no seals means no i-ood, no clothing and no- iYfn'f- for these people of the far North depend upon seals for nearly ail the necessities of life. Ali the-men of thse vrillage have gone away in their boats in search of seals, and while they are gone, Angekok, the Wizard>, tries to usurp the chief's home and position as the head of the village. Gyda and Leil a' re ready' to give up and let Angekok be, chief, when a miracle happens. Al of the villag-> .rs, like aIl of the people of their country, believed ini a supernaturil being, who appeared in various dis- guises and came to her people i their time of need. And nowv this Great One appears.. before the people of the village, and, she appears in the dis- guise of a seal. The way in which the Great On.e helps Gyda and Leif overcome the power of Angekok, the Wizard is ver), Durant Studio 'Photo, 4 group of gu.ests ait th Te>tth Anniversary tea of Skokie Valley chapter, -Daughters of the American Revolution, held reçiently in Kenilworth in honor. of ils honorary and organizing regent, M-rs. Israel C. Cope, co»sisted of' nationl0nd smtast.e oi$cers of the sictyand the-formser regents and active regent of. the chapter. Pictured in the first roW, from leJt tb right, are Mrs. Saueli James Camp- bell, state regert; Mrs. ope; Mrs. Frank J. Bowrnan, past st ôte regent; Mrs. Jlian G. Goodhue, historian general; Mrs. J. J(elso Farley, Jr., Present regent. Second rote, le! t to right-Mkrs. William Fox, state recording secretary; Mrs. W. F. WiVdhamson, state registrar; Mlrs. C'harles S. Jackson and Airs. Pred erik Bowes, ex-regents. GI.ncoe Woman Heads Vussar'Club Proqram Is DorcasHom. Board Travel T.Ia l Aunn Mrs. Henry T. Smith oi Gencoe was made president of the Dorcas Honte board, Monday of last week, when the annual meeting, and elec- tion of officers took place at bier home, 710 Bluff street. The other oficers chosen for the year 1936 a re: Mrs. Stanlev H. Simpson of- XV%7innetka, first vice-president; Mrs. Perry S. Eade of Evanston, second vice-president; Mrs. Edward A. Brion of Glencoe, treasurer; Mrs. .Albert P. Suite of Hizhlanrl Park. recrdiny A meeting of the. North Shore Vassar club will be held on Tuesday, january 28, at 2:30 o'clock, at thé home of Mrs. Carleton Blunt, 73 Locust road, Winnetka. Mrq. R. -Miles Warner will be co-hostess.. Dorothy Bushnell Blumberg, Vas-- sar 1915, who has just returned from, vîisiting England, France, and Switz- erland, will give a talk entitled, "A Pacifist Goes to Europe in 1935." Those planning to attend are asked to notify Mrs. Blunt or Mrs. Warner in advanice. ticnoeo, wrs. M.J hielm,804 Forest avenue. ~I. T. M. tg 1)40 igat l> 27. at eiden- aitevrnioon andi at 8 o'clock Sunday evening. There will be prizes for each table, and ganmes of various kinds such "as five liundred and euclire will be played. The Rev., Father Sauer is the general chairman. i monai n.L58 omtL >r praiseO the play