Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1936, p. 30

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rY GROUP jOuir .Towa 4 rboFww àww &UMUPTiON: $2 PER YEAIR 6rNGLE COPIES 5 CFNTrS 4il ýcommunicatiofls and contributions intended, for publi-. ction inus bear the name ai address of, the author, Dot a.oeuaily, for publ ication, but for, our, îles. Such niaterial mut ýreach the editor by Tuesday Doon to be in tiinc for ,te çurrent icSue. RIDING TO A FALL They neyer learn. Perhaps it is because poli- tical bosses are proverbially durnb,.and when once raisçd to, power believe,. that, like. Tennyson's brook,* they will go on. forever. Or it may be due to a particularly, virulent microbe that gets into the blood, attacks the reason (if any), and leaves in its stead naught but an exaggerated ego. What- ever the cause, the fact remnains that the political boss, having built bis machine and establislhed bimself in power, promptly conceives the idea- that he is a super-being, and with utter contempt for the rights, of voters upon whom he must de- pend for continued support, proceeds to rule with an iron hand, forgetting that other bosses have built machines before him and that ail have been' saedby an outraged electorate. Such is the position today, of the Nash-KeIly combine, the Tammany that rules over the. poli- tical destines of Chicago, Cook county and the state of Illinois. Apparently lost to ail sense of decency or shame, it bas arrogated to itself the prerogative of saying wbat legislation shahl be passedi at Springfield, what ordinances s hall* be passed by the Chicago city council, whait laws affecting Cook county shail be.enforced and what laws shall be ignored. It now goes further and determines the canididates for whom citizens may vote at the primaries to be held. in April. Governor Henry Horner was the first state official to f ali 'under the ban of the all-powerful Nash, wbose man Friday ýis Mayor Kelly. The Governor committed the unpardonable sin of act- ing the part of, an independent , American citizen with a conscienceand a knowledge of bis respon- sibility to the puiblic. Heé vetoed the vicious han&- * book bilI , wbicb was a pet Nash-Kelly measure, designed to legalize betting on horse..races throughout the state. North shore villages, flot- abundant life" as it bas been experienced for the' past ni neteen years in Russia and are 1light- heartedly flirting witb the côllectivist systemi of gôverriment, should read and digest the acco'Unt of a shopping tour in Moscow whicb appeared in the Chicago Sunday Tribune of January 5, and, compare- conditions. there and. here. The shopper là the wlfe of a professionai nman who eariiee u boi.. extrai money.. With it she set out to, secure neeéde.d' hôusehold articles and food. Rode to the business district1 on a subway train, but Ûot per- m'tte.i to smokcý, even on the station p)latform..Wanted plain black a 'nd Wiite sewlng thread, butý couldn't get it In Moscow ; couid have red or yellow. Needed a cooking pot, but the. nearest thlng to It she could find was a coverý; lots of covers, no pots. Sought a kero- sene laImp to heip- warm her one-roomn apartment;ý found Just one, but it had no chimney and oniyU a fragment '0f wlck. Thought to buy, a'new phonograph record, but five attenidants could finid only a case in. whch to carry records;,she .bought that for another purpose,% but five minutes in the main reduced it ta pull). The soviet governiment 1 onie of, the world's largest producers of electrie light. bulbs, but the shopper, seeklng one, could find oniy 1G or 300 watt buibs, and over 25 Watts are flot permitted. Long delsirlng an electrie cooker, the shopper went to the Moscow electrie trust and there saw many hun- dredîs of them; a dream realized at last;- many people ahead of her, but. none buylnig; her turn cameé; she' was told, that the pots were for 22.0 volts and Mos- cow ha4 only 110. volts.; aia@ther diuapitment. A coat for her 5-year-old daughter was next on her liat; found that the largest department store in Russia. haît no chlldren's coats; was told that 550 coats had just been sent back to t.he factory because sleeves did not match, or buttons were niissing, orm collars did flot match, or the coats were, slmply basted and flot sewed: somegue ith. tape. .Passnk a fruit store,. the shopper sa.w a windôw filled wlth wonderful pears, grap.es,.and other'fruits;. went iu to purchase some; girl clerks wih palntied nails but dlrty aprons 'that had flot been w.ashed In ",ek4 coliiters ioued,*higrh with. decayed fruit;,. asked, for sorne from the wlndow; refuie'd; that wvas for stow; must dec-ty before being offered for sale; bought the, best pears she couldi find and asked for a can of jam; inquired 'if it were 'sweet or sour: reply, "Citizen, do you want lt or flot ?" Proceeded to a market for a bit of meat, a lu'xury; a pound, mnostly boite, tessed teaiiqr over the counter; no wrapping paper; found a plece' of newspaper in whloh te wrap It; that or. nothing. At~ another counter she bought two pounds of potatoes'; others were buylng' single potatoes, 'and vlewed her with' suspicion; added. a pound of turnlps and haIt a smaîl head of cabbage; her husbaitd had a real holi- day dinner that night-a pot of Russian shsc&ti. The story concludes- "There are millions of.such. women i Russia today. Not ail are sa fortunate. They are the real heroines.?" What marvelous progress the socialist state bas adein nineteen,,years! SHARE 'T The kidnaper, like death, loves a shining mark. So, the story goes, an abortive attempt was miade ini Chicago Monday to steal Constance Talmadge, wif e of Townsend Ietcher. But Constance was safe in Plorida, and as the kidnapers didn't want Townsend, a good story was spoîled. There is a. mystery here. A, mystery that wilI, challengeî the: keenest intellects, perhaps flot. among t he amateur, Sherlock Hoînies f raternity, but at least among connois- seurs of 'the flowing bowl andi experts on bar etiquette. Mon- day's Chicago Tribune offered a pictureof a 63-year-old Ken-. tucky editor and bis 18-year- old child wife drinkingo r sipping, or .sucking, a highbal! through straws. And the- cap- tion says they prefer'that. té "Drink to Me Only- With Thine Eyes." The thing is go- ing. to bring on an argumnent.ýîi a most heàted, argument if we miay predict, that witl rock this country from center to circtpmference. Is it proper to suck a hiiglhball through a straw? 'If so, when-morn-, ing, afternoon, evenlig or as a nightcap? Tony, Our former bootlegger,' says' the thingis impos- sible a any time or flace. It just isn't being done, he avers, and hintg that the picture i "a, fake. Why, he ýadds,; if they sucked justone highball through a straw they would be so plastered that they would beg to be poured back into the glass. Who, ever heard, he asks with great asperity, of anybody sucking a highball through a straw, espe- cially ini Kentucky, where Îhey really know bow to drink a highbali-or aiiy. other drink the chief ingredient of whiclh is whiskey. But wait, says Tony. Maybe the picture-is O. K. after aIl. See that twinkle in the bridegroorn's eyes ? He miay he pulling a fast one on the bàby, just to see what. she will do when 'properly lit up. You neyer cani trust these old ones. Us, we think the stuif is nota highball at. al, but* a glassof0 idr, that. the old fellow. is. declaiming, as best -he caii with a straw in his mouth,.that once oulàrdtt, "The thweetestgirl I, ever tbaw was th cking. thider through a sthraw." A plan to reniove several hiundred thousand Jews froni Gerxnany' is reported to be under ,way. If we were a Jew we would get out of the're with- *out any help. rnanner in which he 'bas conducted bis office, hias been led to the Nash-Kelly guillotine, and bis head is said to be as -good as in the basket. It may, however, prove to be a costly execution, But Nash and Kelly are riding' fora fali, as ail. pobtfical, bosses do. Their, brazen effrontery in Apply Dr. Moulton's yardstick to one of the biggest industries in the niation-steel. Its prop- erties-wealtb-include such tbings as plants and nuis. If aIl could be converted into cash, and that ,cash' equally distributed, it would mean. only $40 for each person. just ti .that's to steal credit fi they are doing. Al'tuch of o01&1iite wintcr does no one barmà. Tnt P ANIOM IlpOigE r *1 1.

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