UJUJU401 >, TOL» Apartment Restriction tô. Stand Declares . Kinne:,in -Appoint- *ing Cm isson *At the meeting of he illage board held on january. 7,. a resolu- tioi .w-as.pres entèd and adopted, ei-ý powering -President Harry C. Kinne to appoint a Zonfing commission for the, purpose of caref.ully considering the' present- zon-ing ordinance and *reporting back, to- the board any recomirnendationis it migbt see fit to. * make.: Pursuant to that resolution, at the -meeting of the, board, Tuesday: night President Kinnie appointed the following to the ecommission, lail of wbom have servýed the village in tbàt ,*Iaaiý for the past flue years: Myles J. PhiIlips, 1003 Michigan avenue; W., J. Weldon, 1340 Gr-een- wood avenue; Fred M. Clarke,. 931 Oakwood avenue; A. C. Younigbergý, 1004 Jiibbar-d road, and Heniry FoNw- 1cr, 1404 Forest'avenue. *Oppose Easing Restrictioess In a precautilonary letter addressed tothce board by the WVilmette Home Owners associatÀon, the opposition of its niemibership t&? any easing up. of zotîing restrictions that would per- - mit the erectionof apartinent build- * ings or other undesirable. develop- uIents -was read. Recogqizing that * . thelh-rncis the ery 4oundation of the, v-illage, the association urged that.there. be 1io, changes from a highçr to a or classification, and that wbcrever possible the reverse poiicy be followed. ln support of the *letter, President, Robert E. Rièksen1 and Myles J. Phillips, a director, of, the association, app.eared before the board to press the views of its mem- *bership. They pointed out that wher- ever an injustice is committed ini il Henry Fowler end, Thomus .J. Lynch Out1 for Oflices Replacing Township Comm itteemen of Major Parties Intense int erest bias been manifested by political grotips, both, denocratic and republican, ý in the new office, of Township Com-ý m-itteeman;- which, b a ýre'tç ntly enacted law, superc edesthe office -of, preçinct committeen4m, Foilowing a fullinieasure of publici.ty.and active, interest onj lie part of several civic groups, nmeetings and coniferenices aniionig 1f leadersof both prties hv taken place in..an effort to corne to~ agreement, on candidates, onîe to he -ne lycreate d office of Republican elected by each party. Tow ipComitemaat h Pi As a resqlt of these activities ainong mary lection, April 14th. deinocratic partisans, Thomas J.: "Nuni rou s meetings of representa- lych f lenoe ha ben hosn ives of -epublican organizations in as the candidlaté of th at party. New. Trie Township have recently On. the republican, side greater diffi- been beld and Mr. Fowler's name culties have been met. Serious sphits figured prominently in ail discussions. in the township organiizà,tioni have His friends feel that he possesses al existed for sonne,,tue, and valiant the attributes necessary to fill that efforts to barmonize-the fiactions, and imrtatofciihdsicin agree upon a candidate have beehn "His loyalty té the Republican Party unisucessful. Many meetings have cennot be questioned.. He bas been a been .held in the. past six weei<s. A Precinct Committeemani for many considerable faction lias favored years, and at present is the rcpresen- Henry Fowler of Wilmette, present tative of the 10th Commissione.r's Dis- member of the Republican County trict (which includes New Trier Central Committee. Another grouto Townsbip) on the Republicaii Coun- bas opposed Mr. Fowler, on the ty Central Committee. ground that the need is for a candi-- Ardent Civc Worker date .unidentified withi previous fac- "MNr. Fowler is identified witb many tional dissensions, if the best inter- civic enterprises. He is President of ests of the township are to he served. the North Shore Area Council Boy Issue Brought to Head Scouts, President, Wilmette Coin- Theé matt-er lias now, been brought miunity Chest association, memnber and' to a bead by the announlcernent thiat former President; Wilmette Park Mr.. Fowler is a candidate, for. lhe board, and a director of the First Fed.- office. Ilôwever. according to t1i'e eral Savings and Loan Association of announicenment, pres'ented, below, Ar. WilmteHea bnpatuai Fovler stabscribes to the principle interested in encouraging the activi- that, to prevènt the buildinig of per- tifs of Young people. His many inter- sonal machines hy incumbents, the ests have given hini a wide acquaint- Township Colln]itteemnan. shouild be aîiceship througbout the north shore restricted to not more than two ternis.- area. Considering his present terni as Couii- "In acceding to the deniands of bi s ty Central. Committeenman. as one friends that hie be a candidate, Mr. terni,lie definitely agrees that he 'vil1 Fowler announced that he will be ini flnot*be a..candidate for reelection. dependent of ail functions and will, Very definite- rumors. are* current continuelto serve the best interests of that tbeife Will be other ca .ndidlates forý New *Trier eti.tizens. He furtber stated the office, in botb the democratic and that if he is elected he will îîot seek% republican parties, and future action re-election at the end of bis terni, as] in this direction wili be watched with lie subscribes to the. theory that the Linden 'avenue and Thirci street was received b? lthe board at the sanie meeting at which the resolution to appoint the zoning commission was presented.L soon as possible. - Mi Grinneil, chairman. Note: Economy Shop Is by the Woma.ns Club of. '~- J~E* conducted Wilmette. E in the flu. ------------------------4r Forest avenue; A. C. YoungDCg, Id M. Gallie, Jr.., and ber Hibard road., er, Sylvia Ann, returned Retiring cirectors of the gov erning ne in Wilmette Monday board of the Wilmette Community an extended visit with Chest Association, Inc., are as fol- parents in Port Lemon, lows: F. Dewey Anderson; Charles A. They ieft Wilmette late Burrows ; Mrs. C. P. Dubbs;. Mrs. A. L. Fuller; frank.J. Senig. ATTEND MEETING, Mrs. Bernice T. Van der Vries,. State, Legisiator, WiIl Be Speaker. Friday Mrs. Bernice T. Van* derVries. of. Winnetka, state representative from. tbe 7th senatorial district,. will .give an! informai talk at the montbly meet- ing of Wilmette Civic league, to be held Friday noon,, January, 24, at Marsball.Field and company's retail storé,,being'guest of hontor on tbat occasion. Her subject will.be "Sball «e, Improve, Illinois Schools?" 1Mrs..Van derVries is an unusually keen observer, and having the happy faculty, of seeing -as. many sides as there are. s ides to a- question,*j her commnents en legisiative proceçdings atre informative, coverig various nxeasures which have engaged her attention during regular and special sessions of the legislature. Women of the village are especially invited, and the point is empbasized that -at-7- citizens of New Trier township are particularly welcome at the league's regular montbly meetings. It is ernphasized that those whose busi- ness interests are in Chicago can> spend a profitable and pleasant hour the last Friday in eacb nionth by meeting witb .neighbors and friends at this organizain luncheon. President Elmer D. Becker, in an- nouncing the meeting, puts in a word for the Village board. It would, do that body a world of good, he hints, if Civic league members would frequently attend its meetngs, beld on the first and third Tuesday of eacéh montb. Chesn ét Directors Elected Tuesday Atý the animal _Mççting~ of Wilmette