A Lines 15 Percenti Areduction of fifteen per cent in one-way air fares was made January ion air hiles surving 200 cities in forty-six- states .to individuals and corporations who purchase universal air-scrip, says a bulletin 'of United, Air. lines, one of the fifteen. com- panies offering what is regarded in transportatioifl circles as a revolu- tionary rate r.ieductioni and stimulant to air travel. This. universal airu-scérip'makes the time7saving, speed an& convenienc.± of air travel anywhere in the United States cost, generaliy . peaking. no miore than surface transportation. It avsfifteen per cent on one-way aipaefares, or allows a five, per cent additional reduction above the regular teà per, cent, discount on1 round-trip air, tickets. A book -con- tainfng $590 worth of air line travel Coupons is sold, for $425, adhis scrip can be ~used to secure tickets for others as well as the purchaser. United Air lunes aiso offers al group travel plan giving a company aflftcen per cent saving on the f rav- el-of ail those designatedl representa- tives, not only on United but on ail other associated air-scnip uines. Illustrative of the sharp reductions of air-scrip, the regular one-way *Chicago-:New York fare is reduced f romn $47.95 to $40.76j and the coast- t o-coast fare trom $160 to $136, ivith similar' rcductions j% fanes between hûndreds of cities in ail parts of the country. Air-scrip is being sold at ail air uine ticket offices. John Maxellos Completes Course in Blind Flying Johnny Maxelios -of the interna- tionally f amous acnobatic troupe, The Five Maxellos, bas just completed a course in blind flying at the 'Bur- mer Curtis s Fledgling owner, took bis flrst instruction from Vincent * "hortv" 'taylor, Who at the time * American Airlines, Inc., is complet- ing its budget for 1936 on the basis of an expected 50 per cent increase in passenger traffic over 1935, C. R. Smith, president of the company, amno unced this week. In a New Year's statement review- ing the past year and Iooking abead to the next twelve months, Mr. Smith expressed optimism for th e air transport industry and said Arerican Airines would back- its judgmerit with a large outlay of money for new and improved eq'aipment in 1936. "The. year just comnpleted gave American Airlines .an inicrease of nearly 75 per cent in passenger traf- fic and comparable gainsý in -express tonnage,". he said. "Business condi- tions throughout the United States today are, in our opinion, niaterially better. than on, January 1, 1935, and we believe we are conservative in estimating a 50 per cent gain in this new year." SSmith said American Airlines would take delivery, early in 1936, on new and improved equipment costing ap- proximatel3' $2,500,000. Included will bie a fleet of brand new Douglas sîceper transport, planes, largest. land transports ever built in.this country, and 15 Stinson tri-motGred motio- planes for fast, short-haul service l)etween intermediate cities., shore and who was. also an amnateur pilot at Curtiss-Reynolds airpont, Glenview, has for the - last nine mnonths been appearing in the movies. Hé has also fonndl time to study blind flying aý't theý Burbank, Calif. airport. Gross' latest. appearance on the screerv is in a, film starring Bing Crosby. Army Plane Stops at Curtiss for Refueling >fw Amercan snngs on bher programn next week. Miss Carter bas given numerous recitais in and around Chi- cago, and on the north.shore will be rémembered for her. performances. at Winnetka Comimunity: House, the National College. of Education. in Evanston, the Evanston Woman's club, and theeY. W. C. A.,auditorium in Lake Forest. HOSTESS AT TEA, Mrs. W. M. Branch, 422, Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, tntertained in- formally at a tea on Wednesday, in honor of Mrs. Roy W. Giffortdwho is moving to Grosse Point Park, a sub- urb of Detroit.ý Club Room at Curtiss Popular Meeting Place The'club room at Curtiss airport is now completely equipped for indoor .iports and for lunches.. It is a favor- ite meeting place for both student pi- lots and full fledged pilots. Frec lunch >and coffee are served to guests in theî club roomn every Saturday and Sun4 êy, Between fl ights the pilots while' away their time playing ping pong and other indoor games, or by just sitting on the comfortable lounge chairs and chatting. trom curtiss airpulti i !roLit, ner lie received thé Benclix trophy for winning the Bendix cross country race last. September at the National Air races in Cleveland. Howard won the race in a plane of his own dlesign called "Mr. Mulligan." Saki1-Equ-ipped Plane Is 1 Flown at Curties Field will be p o'clock. rwill be given Sa 25, ini the Niç ton, under the aus ern university. T inances at 10 and PLAN: CRUISE Mrs. Edgar A.. Stevens of 339 Ab- botsford. road,' Kenilworth, is. leav- ing on Saturday to join Mr. Stevens. in New York. From! there: they are sailinigon the Kungshcilm for a cruise to the West Indies., They will re- turn about the middle of February. 11608 -Chcago Avnu. Ev.n*o [ELIZAREIR ftEp B lectrolys4a Exeoit.iteii, With Fiôra McLeiland in lier Carlson * Building Studio III Clîrcb St, Gre. 82U Superfluouis Hmh Permanently and Expertly Nemoved Evea. & «t4ndaya F41 Appt. Dat>. 7825 IN EVANSTON .SIXC YBAR8 SAVE YOUR PINNIESI IWe have carda with spacces for ail Lincoln lqiPPeQ W lIthI1arci H. S. Darr, presicient ot h uc The North Subtirban Flying cor- Aviation corporation, operators of poration, which operates fnoni Cur- Curtiss airport, left the airport last tiss airport, has announced that in- Thursday morning for New York City stallation of heaters in. ail of its on an extended, business trip. Mr. shipsi including, the Aeronea training Daii flew east in a Stinson Reliant -ships, has been.cornpleted. -owned by hisecorporat ion.> Our esUniator iwll eall et p me wltb sasuile et UpboIdtrag or you ln*every wAY.I PROMOTES PROPER POSTURE We Remake> BOX SPRINGS MATTRESSES Brouch's Slumber Shop 2;'Years with Marshall Field à Cou 1521 Sherman Ave, Evanston UnL MU é6u 1 121 RIDE