Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1936, p. 22

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-and v humor football season, on a day when sL-ver- "A bunch of us 'had gone out on ai exciting gaines hid 1>.en played the lower campus one ev~ning, just and the championship decided, if he to raise ned. I remember 1 was had., notasd me, -"college giil ?",weig ed, carpet slippers, old, three minutes after 1 arrivcd, thée shirt, and trousers. First wu pusbed convýersation. might have taken <mite.1the stree*t-car off into the- gutter- a different-turn. y o know,' the ho.rse-car type...We I had had in mind to get a lot ýwere considering what. to: do next -of information about public urilities whfen Dean. Birge came along. W.4. Baehr corner of which is a tiny pinle tree. ha. "You've got me, have you? 1 Pine trees are more prevaleiit on amn going to die, and you are going the ranch than bears, unless one to die, ha, ha, ha." counts in the Baehrs tool Iin f act "'You are a deadrinàer for niy Mr. Baehr said hie had set aside a frieÉnd,' said the olci man to me. 'You. large tract for, the growing of several Iaugh just like him, ha, ha, ha."' thousand 'pine trees. -YelIow western Mr. Baehr cbuckled. The old man's pine . and the blue. sprucc predomi- namne was *Teodor Kabalek .(or so.it nate. Being in 'the footh iilregion sounded-to'me), and he waï so taken the ranch, offers .unexcelled..oýppr- with him that he offeredhim.a dollar tunity for ridinig andhiki ng-and. for ýsuggesting that when hie got to. Pille the pick and shovel. -le treat limself to a steak dinner Mr.,Baehr,.who has een spending The old man refused it. He would three, mronths of the. year 'out there 'take money from ilo one. He trudged during the past eight years,, says away., And a year or two. later Mr. there 'is always something to fuss Baehr had 'a post, card f rom -hil with, gravel to move here and rocks:postmarked Barcelona, Spain. :Herr to put there, a littie more landscap- Kabalek was having agood* time and ing. If bis -guçsts, are late to mfeals he, wished that Mr. Baehr were: there tbyare penalized by being put on too, to remind him of bus desperado the pick and shovel shift. friend, ha, ha. ha. Bu'lde Own Lake Funi With Calculus Phtoraps f te.houe revaIi .t.A new piece of equipment for the asbotograpb stof trhuseurevaitt giBaehr-den this, coming year wilI be asto ahe lo a destn tr ct re , a f -,'nga 10 or 12-foot télesicope, according' frinto therilieatrctinvelyand of-r-to Mr. Baehr. It will be useful in fse i ll in 000vey dietiaovi sa offor-,further study *of astronoraly. M r, estd his,7,00 fet bov se leel.Baehr says lie is not interested in lit front of the house is a littié lake discovering new1 heavenly bodies. lic ivhich Mr. Baehr had made, The likes the mathematics of astrono my main door to the bouse is typical of!anid sim.ply wants to chart orbits and the interior, made of hammered iron check formulae.. with 4-L, ranch and Rocky Molli- "IPv enauig yefwt tain goat heads for motif. v enauigmef'iha Inside there are the usuul mountedbokncaulsaeyheccke spécmen, feturd apr o«prat "and people tell rme I'm crazy, but speciens, featred apropiat'y like to (figure.,Isupoe1t' 'or enough for a native of the Badger in me." spoei' on state by. a beautiful badger ont the Intrsfbogpialdath mantel. Deer hiowever are the mfost life of0 .A ahrmgtb e prevalent gante, -.\r.Baehr says. forth h A.:brn iiihosh, Wst To get back to our pick and shovel frhtu oni sksWs aspect of this narrative, I'd like toistudied civil engineering at the Uni- put~oW a itte necotewbib M. versity of Wisconsin; became a con- Baeh tod m beauseof ts tiuualsulting engineer for private, niunici-, Bte hrstold H e bea s o f o i -n us0le pal tatilities, po e n e tl authori- inteest. H wa outworingoneties: married a Miiilwaukee girl; bas sotaie istanucotthe, Ite s, nat two children, William, who has de- th oedistanc le froite bnose, tergrees from Wisconsin and the Har- fte rod n d hntied an odl itlevard Sçhool of Business Administra- figue cmingupition andi is associated in business, The Little Old Mau 1 with bis father, and Irene, wbo at- "He looked like a_ gnome," Mr. teiided Nortbwestern11 an& is now Baýehr recollects, -:and. he, had two, stuidying- homte economnics in a down- huge bundles oit bis b4ck. He told town school. me bie wàs on the way to Denver These ternis dO fnot conyey1 th .e whlere lie wanted to use the library! vial qualities .of the' man, however :facilities in the writing of a book. bis zest for learn.ing, his ability to' The book, he told me, was to teil find fun and humor in everything how to raise super-men, how women lie. encountters, bis appreciation that shQuld trainl their babies. He didnt Iuck plays a big part ina n's 1fe, e---- -- ----hs t1nlosoh, iwitn ti ,41.- t!. iversity of Ci, Nearly everyone who knows any-I gave hum a permanent înteresti ii ornan.H ecm hrt.He anaiU LiN~Jationjroa ickLting coUl- thing at ail about the university 8istary technique and led to immediate' found a spring, the 'sheriff was way pany. famailiar with the reputation o .A responsibilities in the IR. 0. T. C. at behind, he, knelt down and* drank ýMs'LoiTEls27C 'Birge, dean of the college >of! letters Wisconsin. deeply of' the çà1d water. In a few MsLonTEls,27Cmberland, and' science for many 'years, and Colorado is the :scene of Mr. moments he began.to feel queer, he avenue, Kenilworth,, entertained her preidet btwen tre dmistrtios Behrs nergeic pursuits these days. reailized the water was poisone.-je1 bridg cubatlncheon, Tuesida

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