Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1936, p. 21

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ot me zotn UIaniJKvera r.3utJ -'J..' movenient in America and brings to a close~ its silver jubilée. Al over the North Shore Area councd-l,, troops will be celebratineg the occasion with, spécial features, such as parets' nights, birthday parties,. and window disp1ays.. As a feuture.of Scout week, cita-. tions wiII be maiide: to trop& which, a qulf sthe 'Tradition Bild rs" in the five great traditions of Scout- ing-the traditions of higF adventure. brotherhoi, service, good appearance and Scout trained citig'enryr. Saturday, February 8tb, 'the actual birthday of -Scouting, -a" national broadca*st wIlI remind ail Scouts in the country to rededicate thvmselveS fo the ideals of Scouting contain.ed in t4e "Scout Oath": "On iny honor 1 will do my best 1To do rny duty to God'and 11V country and to obev the Scout law, 2. To help other people at ail times, 3. To keep myseif physically strong mentally awake and niorally' straight; NS.Pastors Will Mark Scout Sunday Pastors' of churches throughout ithe North Shore Area counicil are ini- i ng ini teir annolinicements or ser- mons on that Sunday are the Rever- ends: H. F. Siemison; john Hindley, Hubert Carleton, W. H. Thornasson, J. W., F. Davies and W. F. Weiý. Weill over haîf the, troops In, the council are sponsored by churches and 'most of therniWill atn church in a body Sunday mornipg. Febrvary, T;ie constitu of Arnerica sa, n of the1 Boy Scouts in its declaration of e: "The Boy Scouts PARTY.. A pletsant 'break in the wyinter rou- tinie Waà off eredWîirntte Sea Scouts Monday evenintg, january 13, when Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Huggins gavea party for theni. During the evenig the boys played nauticai basebal1, a game~ of questions andý ansmers. A list'of questions> pertaining éto seamnan- ship, was given the "pitcher» who .ýpitched" theni at the -"batter.* If the mani at bat ansiNered the question to the satisfaction of the pitcher, he was (leclared to have vade a one-base-hit. If thepitcher challenged th e batt er ai wps uphedby the ump*ire, the t)atter was out. If the batter 'as judged correLt, he mas declarcd to have made a hc.me mun. The teanas: were narned starboard .111( port and were caplained by lXd'- win Colegrove and Jack flarnari, re- spe,-tiNeIy. The final score was 14 to 11l in favor of the port teamf. Another game played was "WVhat Arn. ?" Th.is was played by having c>te of the party leave the roorn. In his absence the-rest dlecided that the one absent %vas to be somnething on the Sea Scout cruiser' such astî on pass. engine, etc. Upon returning, thc, first Scout couId ask any. questioný- that could 1)e ansm-er.-d by yes or no. i After the games had been disposed of, the really serious phase of the party ivas entered into-eati. Mrs. Hluggins hiad kindly prepared a sup- per of hot dogs, buns, cicoa, and cakes. If awards were given. for eat- iing, ail presenit womld have 'Mon fi rsi prizËe. Al Ieft fully s;;tisfied W'ith the eveings.artivities. Scout Troops Try for J3Dag4 and every day give your.*bo6Y UIILWIL thé- plesanteasY way, The noirmal'childý gets. ail the Vitamnin D) needdy drink- ing--or eating lu soupe,costards. and creamcd;vegetable- a quar of; ýMeII.dy Faruns Dafry, Nefabollzed* VIOI. D Ik, every day. h kas the sàmè eiioefavryuget In Mellody Farmes Dairy Grade "A" miIk.' Be fore -vou buy any VtamMn-'D' milk f.ome Wgimeffe 440l for: imporU1nt informtion Yom eo 1 g o0dg, r 1ceh eream JUüst T ILI Melle dy Farmis DalrY ereaul. Ail ýmeIIoIJ Parias Dahtr Nfkle Grade 44w ilk *TDia ruce8aa p~Pl*jdphyi ç#ins trQ4phrt t f. litr. MOER COLEa sDCATONATOW OS I GRADUATES omt -day problems and attempting solutions for themn as Part Of their classromwork-learning Io thinkfor Ikemuines-to beCaoM effective, useful citizens .... These studenté enjoy other advua- tages.too. They have a wde choice of programs taughtIy lm outstanding faculty. They participate in a variety of etr-çl» activties- social. musical, dramatic and athletic.AMd U1"i tuition jites are low-$76.OO covers a full college progràM, including Iaboratory subjects. Many psy out of income as theY attend. Furthermore, they live at home. thus greatly reducing wnîcn the tBoy Scout is connected shall give definite attention to bis ne- igious ife. "Only nien' willing t ' subscribe to this declaration of principie shahl be enitied to leàdership.in carrying 0111 the. Boy. Scout progr-m. REGISTRATION DUE The re-registration papers for al 'rosare due and - must be -- ini to- the council office not later than jan- uary 25 if the troop is to qualify for the Ten-ýYear Program, award. 1 --,i

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