An exceptional value, fine cqnstruci1on, handsome upholstery, 5 bc-autifully designed...... $6 2-Piece Mohair Fr1 eze LIVING ROOM SUITE London Club tye, covered in. sturdy blenided moh.-ir frieze. Moss-filled, stout- ly buiît. Carved framç. .9 Regular $48.50 ...... 6 LOUNGE CHAIR end OTTOMAN 41lid mabogany f rame; pilluW back, up- holst.ered top ottoman. Moés,'hair and cotton flled, fuli webb contruction. An Qutstaniding value at t hisprice1 $39.60 Made to seil for $54.5po iSili CENTURY DINING ROOM-SUITE Fromi a Duncan P hyfe design. 66-inch buffet, ýtable -and 6 beautiful chairs. Regu- ladly $Il().$95 Very speciâl at $129 SPECIAL CARD TABLE Véry strorag and good-looking. in -.ur Furniture Sale..........89 MODERN CLASSIC VANITIES 36 odd vanities, '8 closing out at ...........I' MODERN WALNIJT BEDROOM SUITE Bed, dresser and higb chest. Beautifully matched oriental a dw.autvencers. Dustproof drawcers $ Reg. $98.5o............... $6 -7 Vanity to imatch, $34,75' KNEEOLEDESK _With soid walnut top, and front.. Fuîl: izbéîautifully mide and ilnished. Reg. $ig.qç ,. S-Pc. DINING ROOM SUITE Large buffet and table w:th six matching chairs, nicely designed and finislied. Reg. $98.5o. $69.50 6xq size.$l14.90 7x 9 sMz $186 ix9 9 0ý 9X134 9X211 sie$22-35 sie$26.95 siie$32.50 s ize $36.95 sie$44.75 sie$5225 ModernI BROADLOýOM C ARP ET yard The deep, rich pile of this extra heavy carpeting makes ià a luxuty to walk on, mnakes its colorà,unusual>y lustrous. Woven -of fine wools, ît will retain itsbeauty for years. Cornplete seIection of çolors. - 5-Piece, Ail Seel CARD1TABL E SE T *A handsome set consisting of table and 4 chairs, ail solidly RegalarIy $15 huit. The table top is burn and liquor proof. Worth evMry'49 penny of its original priceli$ 0F TABLES Walnut, with 5-ply matched tops. End Tables, Lancp Tables, Radio Tables jBook Trough Tables Druùi Tables each I 2-Piece Curied M ohairI covèred .with On Do*i set -eon.Oasr Wilu.W. 1100ý JANUA-RY 23,.1936 7-Piece SolId Maple Terçfector-y table is 3ox4$, extending wbien neces- «Reguari, $89.50 in 4chairs completc the set. Beautifully finished, ini