ALUIS TQ 19 "4 STYLE NO. 35 STYLE NO. 45 iClip and Mail t WIEBOLDT'S 1 QUANTITY STYLE NO. COLOR SIZZ~. CHRE AH .0.D when these arc goe twe con get ne, more of this makeo r quality et thit price. ýThese popular suits are combed cotton, va.t-dycd, (whichm e an s'color- fast!), beautifully cut an~d scwn. Not ail col- ors in ail tyles pcs state. second rolor pre.îer- enèe .when orderirtg., ALL FAST COLORS BLUE~ TAN E~JEN. SIZES 5 to i o oy'Shop-- - Stree luo IRAZOR $ 1.45 Value Two weeksonly ta pet the lame blade we sti regularIy at .10 f. o c, at th[$ price! ERANCHETTE, TISSUE., zoo-sheet Goi .............. toc $i-. HUDNUT DOUBLE COMPACT (dks- $j MIRROR SO SPUN ALUMINUIM POr-ý DER~ BOXE S, ýPLCc nt . .... . 27e si.*'e ST. DENIS BATH SALTS....IOC COLGATE'S SOAP C har mýis, Jasi.min, Coleo, bar 4 Soc HOUSEI-IOLD THERMOMETER 2.5C RUBBING ALCOHOL, pint 9 WJEBJLDTS - VANTONOn DOVIes StreetI WIEBLDTSuEANS-ONWiImette 1100 I WILMýETTÉ LIFE ý , .,-,jl