.. . .. .. . .. . LY BOY IEI afyour A &P, OOD STORE SWIPT's GENWINE SPRfIG Leg of Lamb. l..b.21½c SWIFTrs FRESIl CUT: Pork Loin, Roast lb1½c Rib End, 2 f. 3.lb. average CENTER CýUT Pork Chops. 5C e e,. e SWIFTS-SELECTED BRAN DEDý BEEF SA terfamilies and thie local couricil members..Miss Florence Marcell, the new director, will be guest of honor. This day closes the national thrîft week begun on Benjamin Franklin's birthday. "Bethrifty" is.the ninth law of the Girl Scout and>s.he learns to be thrifty not. only, in ber, material re- sources, but in ber ti me and energy in order to g et fuill value from, her leisure time. ANNUAL DINNER TUESDAY Tuesday, January 28, 6.30 o'clock, at the Methodist church w11t bring theanniual dinner of the Leaders' as- sôcigtion, Mrs.., Sprague- Chapin, chairman, and thte local council. Mrs. ira L. Reynolds, c ommissioner. Mrs. Ralpli Moulding.is ini charge JOURNALISM..CLASS, Beginning Wednesday, January29 at 3 :45o'clock, Miss Florence. Marceli' and Mrs. j,. C. Baker wil conduct a class in journalism 'for the trodk, scribes and those Scouts wishing to prepare fofr the menit badge i n jour- nalisnm. TROOPS AND PACKS The following is a list of the \Vil- mette troops and packs, their lead- ers andi committees iwith..their time, and place of meeting: ;.ý Troop I-Captàiti, Mrs: W . W. os- burn; lieutenant, Miss Helen Jones-, troop comniittee, Mrs. E. E. Hender- son, Mrs. Robert Gordon, Miss Mata- lea, Brown, Mrs. M. I.Biclchaii. Meetings, Thursdays. 7:15 p.m., YMeffi- odist church. Troop 2-Captain, Ms.L P. l)e- noyer; lieutenant, Miss L-illian ltlad- sen; troôp committec, M1rs. O. A. Jackson, chairmnan, ..Lrs Willhianî. Benner -Mrs. C. M. Bcrsbzch, Mfrs. O.E 'Daily. Meetings, Thursdays, 3 :45.p.i, L\Mctliodist churcli. Troop 3ý-Capta.inà, Mrs. Alfred WOULD LICENSE A r-esolution .passe( Staver Mouldi Meetings, Tues odist.church. ~,Mrs. Roy iHast ays, 3 :45 p.rn., Me Troop* 5-Captain, Miss Elizabeth Busby; -lieutenant, Miss Emma Bick- ham. Meetingks,,Saturdays,,i :30 p.m., Presbyteriaù churcli. Troop, 6 -Capt'ain, Mrs. .Charles XVilliain Alle,, lieutenant. MÉ *s. Irwin Hintzpeter. Meetings, Tuesdavs, ý3:45 p.ni., Episcopal church. .lroop 8-Captain. Miss Dorptli Taylor; lietjtehant, Miss, Flzah)etli Hoffman; troop committe., Mrs. A., W. Berscli, Mrs. F. S. Dolan. M.rs. E.- U. Cullison. Troop 10-Lieutenant. is Eulalec Barker; tro:op conmittee, Mi-s. C. A. Clèohi.ýy. Mrs. E. .R. Young, Mrs. George Wells. M,,ýeetinigs. Mondays. 3 p.nli., St. Francis school. Troop Il-Caýptain. NMiss, Elinore O'Heron; lieutenant, 'Miss Roberta S chillbach. M1eetings, Tucsdavs, 3 p.n.. St. Franicis school. Troop comnlitter: M,\rs. Frank Thale. chia i rnuan. Pack 1-BrovilOvl. 'Mirs.NM. E., Xels: Tawnv Oivl, Nf rs.. H. GN'an- Xinkle. «Meetings,. \ed.nes.days. 3:30 l)Nf ethodist chlurch. Comnmittèe Mr.M. C. Greigg. MNrs. D. Balaban. Mrs. von derLippen. Pack 2-Brown Owl, Mfrs. Sprague Chapin; Tawny Oivl. Mrs. John S.. Starrett; committee, Mrs. J. WT. Sabin., Nilrs. H-enry Tanner, M.ýrs. A. Vt. 1-v ,aIl. Mfeetings, :Tu-sdla3,s, 3 :3f) wo.,,~ John's Lu01hi-ran chuirci'. ack 31-owîi 0-vA 't, Mr. iTr,u:' Adir ;Ta~nyO'wl, Nirs.RoXili: Ide, Jr., conimitte. Ms C. A. Cz- penter, 1Mis. R. A.Mandk, Mrs. F.M. Iiayson ML\eetill" Tdn~ Thé. eCoini;nuniitv Clics! orb ,z n tc i Sco::7-,:., h..~ L-ieathier Craft Class 1rrngd.for!A. e e e e e e e UM. U~I&'~ stay. --o- -0- Mr. and Mrs. Durwin D. Gillespie, Mrs. J. W. Aider, 931 Greenwood 235> Catalpa place,1 returned Sunday avenue, spexit several days in ,Mani- from a two weeks' motor trip to San towoc, Wis,., last week visitingle Antonio, Texas. Theywere accomn- father, Louis Kûnz. panied:by friends f rom Hinsdale. LA l&ýzP ood tore