A Treiai te Ussniiaed$1 SIZe 79C. .A Sp*cal 1Vaine Pa ir '100 $3.325, sWeal~ 'The. touis brpsk for humans" Giant ixe scriptien gned," mehévery purpesee .te rellove paJin, sufferlng, lever ef yrour douz ono .. . dictates moud- lng It te one group of pharna- eIsts Who understand, the impor- tgtueç-etfeorroctly emnpounidlng It frein new,, potent drugu. These men are Your ýLocal Indendent' Pharmnaclgts, your frinds. and Belghbors.. Yen'- eau depend on them always ,. ai epelal iwhen llnhess eornes.. Fine Musclé Builingý Food for the children, T hey cost s6littie - 1 b.. serves 8 pOople. k Ail M UNS i.one oul ,psl. by SIQUIBB' S. 2S9, Dental Cv.-m IPond's Creams 1 Electric C is$1.0 Size Small Sixe 0 35c $3.50 Value S ope irlo e oin pet Rations laIl iaq g0e, package of ZO-NO CoIJ flandker-' As with eve: boule of A NO Noýe Drop, Al f10,r48 tub........ Clapp's Baby Food A Cotuplete Stock of AUl Nutritional combina- Pepuodelit AntisOPtiO 2-7-ou., boules ($1..0) JANUARY,23, 1936 IDrene, Tek Tooth Brush ,TOOTH ButierI s IRUSH I M theete, 27e jîew Evenkm P" gasily Worth. a Donar- .......... 49Ç