Monday and Truesday. Di and Ruby Kee eie "T e eran, n te ouse mAdgewfter Offers New performances i his tr Floor Show Bach Week tim e crooner who enters th, ByCHARLEs RANN KENNEDY WihRieosottudn cson!>' to please his admirai of vaudeville, pictures, stage and radio Stone. h nou owel' playing ithe Marine Dining rooni mates, hem unpoly r wta Wednesda*y, January 22, 8:15 P. M. uncter the "new show each weelc" so htkn f nh ADMISSION 35 et vacious. singing star of Herbie>'Kay's a scene no one hu'dmis orchestra, continues. to steal a lion's Next Wednesday,, Thut share of the generally enthusiastic Friday pack a cargo of1 applause. fun when a smiash new, ligi W!INNETKA COMMUNITY HOUSE This weekly change idea, which team-Williamt Powell and opensa new bill each Saturday,'i Russell-wins favor witb definitely popular with patoso patrons in "Rendezvous,"