ws sent to 1115 parents. Most of usU ie' sald, have accepted the opiilon of same reduced rates which have been in éffeet rates on person-to-person. callae veyrnigk a ter others about us because We do flot know on long distance station-to-station calis after 7 p.m. and ail day Sukay. They apply, in gen- the opinion was caused by the state of Lt i minci the person was in at the time of 7 p.rn. each eveig. The reductions a.pply, to eral, on long distance calls on wmih the uay Kassing Judgment. Power and 'capacit> y a; -"- rt smrta 5cns are two différent things, ho .explaied. Riost calis onl whuvu the uay raefr tua-ce min. ftation-to4statiorat smrnha 5cns He was full of capaelttes at 15,r but the ue smr hn3 et, d, fo bu u icuto ot"rot ae power was shut off. He was in a -block- ue smr hn3 etand ange frm ,.tt Tedscutoýmotpro-t-person 18lsi ed' state. If a boy doesn't do well i 10 per cent on some of the shorter callsto,.40 the samee in moncy as on i;tat'ion-to-etation calls school, sorne mental state lias blocked hlm. -He may be In a melancholy stato per cent or more ou- distant caU.s. between the smme' $aces. with hits thouglits on i~ s hopeless, sad condition, andi of, course cannot coRect hie wits. WIIA? TisDMANS 1He told' a story of two Young kittenswih ..L 1m one of which grew iq, afraic f i e ce, th,,, It makes the telephone morec- useful to more atappy reunîils i membes of the IaIy resuit of a man tr tot force lts i- L s o A lun um-