charms because the 1 e UUo I r . ... el *Mix-Ups, the new Anagrarn game . 1. 50c castIe and the Irish hero, by their very peculiarities, corne to life now )MI ret:ac. it plu utdetails about native. food, clothing, DvOkflganda bst*seler.entertammrents, social customs. houses, ________-__.__ F. religion, morals and superstitions. :hoioeThe people in the book, with the ex- Choiceceptionof the author's wife, are bril- Jlien Chase's ncwel, Silos iiantly drawn. Most robust and color- as been selected by the Rve- fui of ail is Trollernan, a Danish rrdoi London as its January trader. Then corne Regina, Trolle- he Month-a most. unusual mnan's native wife; Kent's. two bouse- ii Arnerican book. . keepers, Anna and Salarnina; David, ocet as figured steadily the hunter, and Karen is improvi- best-seling novels through- dent wife; Mata, the dancing fiend, ntry since its publication a and scores of others. Arnong sorne vema sas intheSatudayof tbe rnany activities ini wbicb we tma says IinteS aturd see these individuals participating are Leaiero: 'tisoay good seal and whale bunting, saîrn fish- ,- j_, ~ oItr _.o ing, coffee and dancing parties. oroiln-