kniown, as Houslflg ac by anyonei ingl home in s at rates repayment income. ' es a pian ie- .o refund an exist- ,purchase a home rest will between the borrower and the tend- ing institution, but ini no case miay the interest rate be more than five per cent per year. A small service [ charge wL.ich the lender is permitted to require the borrower to pay may îlot exceed one-haif of one per cent per year on the outstanding monthWy balances. intorced witn iron rocis, which of " course, is very expensive. The in- voml stallation of inexpensive steel curb- pon ing affords an unobstructive separa- IlIi*n tion of Iawn and driveway and avoids cities scattering of surface materials. on the lawn or garden. first Driveways of every type require re- theC pair and maintEi vary froni the pat( ice. -ig of part of the assumes, a. Tlhe-.inone: n that the no. nîoney .ed before. il, a * o flot more ini an urb er repairs iderable D< led in be nee while îay leas ad ior patch. to earl' Consuit us when, you pion the I NTERIOIt 'is and ;.The