costs coning f rom many sources, t the song of the bammer and the ini f ull voice when spring opens. ose irectiv interested in building, to P; to Pl front Pei ion, even the ly modern in ith the Iatest of criminals. Hi-j a higo type ot timerican citizen, fully capable o.f rendering signal service to the state" Mr. Brooks now is a candidate ini the pending republican primaries for govertior. having yielded. to the importtuities of a large group of both Chicago and clown state voters. What %vas s"aid of him two years ago is just as true now. Hle is essentially the type. of citizen' needed in public office, not only in this state,. but itn the nation. If anyone kr Carnera, et ai, f with Joe Louis, >ws how Max Baer, Le%,itîksN. It after a few rounds in the ring If there is a more beautiful 'spot on this big round 'globe 'than the north shore.- especiàlly foilowing one of those sticky snows. we wouldn' t %vant to see it. t would be too much for the eyes. 'New evid*ence. New letter's. New Iawyers. Al of the last-minute stunts that defense lawyers, cati think of, are being eniploYed to Fave Brunlo Hauptmann fron a boat ride across the Styx on Friday. Somé of themi may prove. successful. Logicài to expect a reprieve. That the. Lindbergh case bas been complétely solved no. one beliéves. And few doubt Hauptmarîn's guilt. t is Iikely that hie is the onlly person who can clear up the case, and yet he rrniains sitent, though given