Values in Beddin.g Finet maire frnrspring mattresssige sie. $29.50 and $22.75. .Now $21 and $16.50. W.r. One pair oniy, singi. size box springs. Wre $1 4.76 .och. Now $10 Each, Thtird floor --W inces wid.-extra wide ruffe, extra fufln.s for graoeful drape. White. ivory, ecru.11 3.Eru Marquisesse Panels-.- 45 inches wide-2/4 yard Jog Firas FIo<r White 4. Cotagp Sots - Paste ground wit hconfr.flmg sfps. "ar. 'd. 5. Cottae. Sets- 36'leoho. wlde--oushl.n dot Iiv.y. I