buiamg djurîng the - commg year, w a s inevitablelI oiners Grove 118,476 25,955 22,228 Ihowever. it appears at this time that that real prop- 1Elgin ....... 399,836 200,903 125,010 those of the building business and erty, l i k e other A. C. F. Gedge Elmhurst ... 250,817 37,060 86,688 allied lines have a nost optimistic d i t e Evanston. . 947,750 741,700 402,600 6ehv aco mmdities, lencoe 416,329 214,524 79,676 otitlook for the year 1936. would feel the effect. Liquidation to. Glen Ellyn .. 141,075 46,192 15,458 conserve whatever assets one posses- Harvey .. 139,223 20,946 24,446 New Homes of Today sed was the order: hence values did H igland Park 584,664 293,623 190,119 D4d Con tru te create a market. Joliet........241,404 244,700 129,100 Better Constructed "*But today conditions are reversed. Kenllworth 167,130 53,350 49,440 BY B. H. PLATT Optrimismù prevails. which is the first Lake Forest 729,156 937,434 278.065 (ViWtage Maaager of 'ilett.') Maywood . 104,068 116,321 48,820 Iucreased activity in building con- stp nourprogramofrecovery. Dur- Melrose.252,969 19,695 56,407 truct'last six months ing this period of mactivity, the alert Naperville. 108,630 56,242 ?.6 9 f1935 ead s to bei t 1936 real estate operators have devoted Niles center . .121,725 156,168 31,19 of 13 ue aeir time preparing for the future, Ok Park 626,200 181,750 122,040 wNill show a de-..' Park 'Ridge 207.604 59.675 51.300 e upw a rdand the established office today is in River FHrest 763.020 163'.845 3.8A00 aeimuchbetter position to serve the] Rverde ..147,448 37,257 1. 1 25-b trend in residencel ýII_... . . . .,4 _ L,_. f -l-..9Q.;. j-- nùw- - o- mi lreiZ.