Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jan 1936, p. 24

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'arsl, Fiday5 neets at the *Ladies.' Aid society , will serve telnh eon at noon. Twelve have already enrolled for. the adult catechumefl class whlch le meeting ln the pastors study on Monday evenings at s o'celock, studylng the chief parts of Christian. doctrine lni preparation for church .membershlp. Others who are In- terested nîay stili enroll. The class will cornplete^ Its course by Palm Sunday. Recently our bulletin-.).ard carried the following sentence: "A good resolutioi for the new year: 1 amn going back to chur-eh." Net' too Iste toeniake it -aid to start keeping it. De Sunday, January 19, at 8 a.,.ni. The Januar'y nonthly IParish dinner wil be given by the members of. the West circia of the Guild this Thursday evening, January 16, in the Parish. House at 6 and 6 :30 o'cloek. Reserva- tione may be made at the office or witii Mrs. S. B. Halo,, Wilmette 3226, and they muet be sent ini hefore the dinner. There will be a spécial dinner and meeting for ail teachers and officers. of the North Shore Church schools tomor- row <Fi day> at 6 :30 at Christ churcli Parish louse, Wlnnetka. After the diii- ner talks wili he gf ven by Miss Dôi'othy Hittle of'Japan and Miss Vera Gardner. Reservations for' the. dinner must be miade at once. with the 'rector. nloo1n, January 23, at 2 0'clock. At meeting the women-sew for the pli thropy department of the Wornan's We invite you to meét with us. Attend churclh reglarly. Thei at il o' he sec< 'ice Is held will preaeh sermons on ýme wil e le cordialiy First Con gregational The Rev. John G. Hindley, ministt'r Dr. Hindley's ser-mon thehme next Sun.- day mornnng at the 11 o'clon iI0rflifg service will be "4The Turn of the Tide(." The music foi- the niorning wiII be as. follows: Prelude-Andan-te frorn Pif tiiSonata ... . . . . . . . . . . .Mendessohn Anthem-'Phe Silent Sea . Neidlinger Qtuaitette-"All Praise to God".. Wagner Postlude-Fantasy A~ Tune "Italiain Hlynn"..........MKiley Miss Emnily Roberts--Oi'ganist- director, AINNUAL CHURCHI MEETING JN DINNER Ail our nembers and friends i the church and congreeation are urffed tcn ýýarsal, Friday

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