Highland avenue at 8 -P. tu. Fid~<ay, Janl- uary 10. TUE ,A N-N AI4 (IURCH 3EETING%(- The nîember.s and friends of the parishI are asked to r*eserve ThursdaY, JanuarY 16, foi- the annual church dinner and mneeting. lu addition to r*eporýts the newç o)ffi.er-s will be elected and a suirprise feature will be. prepared. Make yom- reservations early. TrHI' .REGUlLAR ý%N N'%E-liE.NTS T.ni-on i0p n.e on.-Bay Scoui Aay-3 :30 P. i.. * m.-Boy Scot" January 14-1 , -16--"Anina Kare- iia." For A. Teutro del Laigo january 9- 1-"Annia Karenina." For A. January' Ii-"Way Down East.". For. F. Jaiiuary 12-134-1---*'Rendezvouis." Thirilling .mystery. January151--The Kids and a Quen." For F. Alcyon Theater Janiuary 9-"Way Down For F. East." GrandTotal Liabilities................. $3194M-248 Me.snorandum: Loans and Investments Pleclged to Secure Liabilities: Loans and investments pledged: *U. S. Governmerit obligations direct and/or fully guaranteed.......... ........ .......$ 10,21603 Other bonds, stocks and securities ....... Noue Loans and discounts....... ............. ... Noue Total Pledged (excluding re-discounts) ..... $10,16.3 Pledged: Against U. S. Government and postal* savings deposits................. .............$ 10,216.3