wvas mnade at the cener's last meeting, 11 - held before the holiday recess. The people. On Thuirsday she wag enter- next meeting is to be held january tÎa.ined-by-friends at Shawnee, ata 28, and wili be featured by a prograni swimming party followed by lunch- arranged by the Wilmette 1Evening eon. In the afternoon Mrs. Gilbert! Garden club. The subje.ct wilt be an-' had a tea to - introduce Miss Forster', nounced next week. to some of the neighborhood friends and. on Friday some Chicago .friends] gave a luncheon and dinner in honor I of Miss Forster. Arrange Talk, on Sf.nips __________ f or Kmskaslia D. A. R. Members of Kaskaskia , chapter, Dai m<h*irs of the Arnerican Revolu-~