asic comimittee. Mrs. sked to take over the She refuseci. She had ed nor addressed a was scared. But Mr. and, toid the club ring it over meant r to accept the re- g a dutiftul wif e, imore than a duti- 1a great success of cornmittee. In~ timie 1 ~M7;. Roland D. Whitil of tbem unknown to the public but di*scrimn,, on their way to fame. Among the the famc for. $6. They began the first yçar seli- igthree concerts and presenting four. *After the first few years the stries was always over-subscribed anid there was a waiting list. "In ten~ days we would seil the entire numbter of tickets," jubilated Mrs. Whitman. i *Mr. Whitman used to sit dowvu at 'te telephone and fiel! 25 tickets ii- 30 nminutes." ian 0f course the depression chagd titis picture. The committee resortedf iating audience that greetsto offering single admission tickets Dus artists and the talented for two or three seasons, then they ýrs - when. .tiiey -appear on gaVe UP that practice. It proved fat a!