i an stand up against the colle.ge on jetitioju that âwI%,it5 tileni svIcb seetn. A higli light of the prograni %viIl be the water-polo gaine bewêe, orth- westerni's Big Teti champions ancj l te Sliamwnee teani madle up of formier col- iege plaes.Jerry M;ilr. capîam n i ~ I last year's champions, 1Don Horn. ~V1ccasand. Stanlev Post. Lairv. Davis. Bud Lange, WlEr1tzbadi. Norman Bochmier and several promi- ising high school stars Nvill attempt oq<'rL)cbIoambrmake the gaine as interesting as Claudùz Rpossible. Bill Wilson. XorthwiNeserin