SCIENTIST the day or so before Christ- antswer to a 'phon01e cati,. d( voice. told us the plighit oi ter'S homxe :Avoting niothet fainiiv tpostOiy a con- ase) ; no coal and the. enîeiy cold. ,Just then ini- camne an animal visitor e best shie nigbt 'plate dollars as her share in ýeer. \Ve told lier of this tmediately coal wvas sent cail at the hioie, to de-1 generously 10 nzui with joy. Then thg work of our villal pairing toys, maki fPw 2and4 then di corne -an e--chio, û Timi, 'God Bless Editor ýoard iki .ug triv uay tecii iere is the splendid ,ge. firemen in re- ing thcm look like istributing to the the village in their '-ice. homes made glad ie words of Tiny .You,' God Jlcss Sincerely. yours, Barbara R. Blayýlock,. Wilmnette Social \Vorker. r*s note: The ÙIilette Welfart- sone of the benet1diarie.- of the EWe wilI deliver pronptly at an>' time )-ou specijy. 1 FIRST CHURCH OP~ Teinh Street and