* 1ro, ~un md Runies"_ GoId FIsh Dorothy (iley . lr<wn The Moon The Lovely Tree The Merry Go 'Round Maînmy's RocklrV Song Snowy Night Tu Ithe Street Futilfty Ftiy Palmner Icreer, SEpranu. Dorothy Ritley Brown M.îtthe Ip«ino l'rio ln F Major....MrgrtTufts Romance Carolyn Rarnsberger, 'violin ; Estelle Swigart, 'cello; Margaret Tijftsi< i- ano IV Loiok Back with Longli.g JEye-- SEleanor Lou ise F'or ro thte son of lte Fe to Tenth Anniversary Tea 11,lihe Skokie ValleY chapter of t1i' I)aughters of the Ainerican Revoit,- *tion. of whicli Mrs. J. K. FarIey,.jr., is reget.l lias sent out in1vitationls to thle state 'officers and the national of- ficers of the organization wvho live *ini or îîear Chicago, and toi regents of otiier chapters and to al l ortiier mieni- bers of. the chapter 1 to attend the, * 'eith Anniversary tea to be gwNei Motiday afternoën, Jantuary 13, at the home of Mrs. C. A. Keith, 310 \\arwickç road, KenilwQrth, in honor of Mrs. IsraeI C. Cope. orRanizingi I