* Anse!1 Mowrer, Edward Price. Bell. be nii the cast are heard .continually1 Johin A. Lapp, Pauil U. Kellogg. in various of the well knownl radioý Neigbiboring universities hiav.e 1een programs. Dolores Anderson is on well represenited. Ainong other speak- "Orphan Annie" as Helen \Vilson, and * ers were James T. $hotw.%ell,' Chester wlile "ýSkippy," Nvas on the air, she * Lloyd(I-jones 'Pitnian- Potter, Paul also. appeared on that programi. She Douglas., plays. the girl's lead of Aitchien ini Norhweter u-Thset Willow Tree Màni." F4wlin l'ove, Norhweter unverityprofessors wopîays Bcrend lohnt. is al so on have constantly given their interest'rpa Ane.Ile lysoe f and. assistance, 'represéntinig aliost Je r-as1' 'iiibrothers, ever dêartentof.theuniersty~ Carl Boyer, who. plays Scholte. the Their cooperation and contributions rIi l 011mniser ini the -XVilloiv Tree have been of great value to the Schoolri1 of Foreign Affairs, it declares. *Mt, has appeared on nîany radio sosduring the last three or four In the carlier years of its existence y'èars. He is iiow taking part in -Wel the sch.ool charged admfission to the. A __ Il...;' - I r1TýN re' s to Ro- and *Madame