licked. It bas neyer been licked, and neyer wi'll be. Batties may have been lost, ,but the war never' 'Ihat is why America faces. the future without doubts -or fears, certain ýbat an era of peace and comfort and WeeI-being is about to open. That is the spirit of America, which is a concrete thing and flot a mere expression. The most impressive thing about the presernt situation in whicb this1 country, in comnion with the rest of the world, finds itself, is the splendid courage shown by every, American worthv of the name. Not only have the poor suffered want and privations and hunger an-d hardships requiring Sassume to tell everybody .Nhat to do wheii a 0 crisis occurs, but using our own judgment as y' dictated b%. circumstances. By using care to avoid e crises through keeping out of the other fellow's ýf way. That is our resolution, and we are going to ;t stick to it. 1. Three chimpanzees escaPed the other day froni S Johns Hopkins Meclical school in Baltimore, Betcha theyv turn up in congress. ard Farmer Edward Knedit of Bea soni, Ill., bas been ilng sick, and last week his neighibors picked his forty e:acres of corn. That's one fine thing about farmers ;-they are real neighbors. *cetitraliza down of s -Ifthd1