es wellt to thie W.h the conference, and edgedl his support Io dations, NMr. Bart( PhîiadlIpflla spent a iew uays as ,%-ek with her brother-in-law and sister, NMr. and Mrs. Harley L. Ward of 519 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. Arm- strong xas en route further west for a visit. -o-- \1r. and Mrs. J. W. Aider, 931 Crcenwoo<I avenue, have as their ,om-' the ftet' A Martini Cocktail. Mumm's Etra Dry Champ agne and à Coinfr.ea corial. are ail iuctuded on the cpi- feast that makes up our New Y.ars Eve menu. Valuable Souvenir Giffs, unusually colorfi ýpe.r bats, noisernekers and other favors. $10 per cover (plus faxE) includes ail of the. above. Number' of, reservations .cc.pted wiIl b. limted. heir rec- 1left on ie orphiat- Guardiani venue, al I