5 will nieet S' s p rog rani will be given ini the Mr. an( ird school auditorium on Tues- berland a fternoon, December 17, at 2:45 Saturday k. "Please be prompt" is, Miss troit. a's request. Recause of the vacation period the executive board of the Logan-Hcw- ard P. T. A. will meet on Mondav, Deccember 16, at 3:15 p. nm. at the Howard school. -adolescent t 10 o'clock oward schoc study in thýe ol on Ti 1If yol who is urned ti De- Airport Tavern DINI AND DANCE E very Fr1., Soi., Saua. Frlday: FREE Fish Fry Saturday Specia- 20c Chicken or Steak.... If you haven't yet donc so, ývsting one cent for equixx4 at 01 we.want you, without int, to learn, usthese You yOU Wt month T witl rooi mor