Plan Christmas Party. for Service CbunocIl7 rhe Service' Cu ici :for Girls wfl hiold Ïts Christmias party- froin 4 to < oclock Thursday, -Decernber 19, on the, third, floot, of 203 North Wabash ave-1 nueic .Wago. Tbherewiff be a CÇb&,t- Dturin-the eveiln tngi re vill bupro- gftussvu gain~es, and a"srie. Pirzes w'il] he giv en to the siucccssfIul, gaine wînniiers. The girls themnselves niake up part of the Christmas pro- raiN. hjch is followüd bysuef and the singii Of Christmnas carols. It is loped that. ail menibers-of thu board will reinenuber to kec thins eve- iig free. M rs. l3urulett 1). \Varner of Ro(ýgers Park is, tlieCounciI îpresi-i dent, and M rs. AlbVrt Uield of Clii- cagt> is prubgraî1î chairinaii. Winnetka Girl Active in Events at Shimer Mis~s Elizabeth Bleiek agi ter )f Nlr. Feix \V. idnwc,823 Humboldt avenueWek, took, Christmas a proihient part in the hiorse show which finislied the horseback ridiîîg seasoii at Frances Shiner Junior college. I3esides representing the college tcaminin lotato spearing and 9 in-t-he reiay race, she won first place ini musical chairs. Miss BolderNveck Nvas aiso iii charge of the properties ini the play.I 4Lilies of thè Field"< whiclh was ziven l .4rxmo*êhincifor evrvone 4 maII aïfts OfI