,. Bion, andi Mr. ar )ick. tickets at hiaif pri roin Mrs. James H. aInd AII and I event. Nirs. are 4 Clifford ES, Caruiis Phoîai Urs. johnt R. Uiitil lier mlarria.ge; Saliirday,. NQvemIb(' 10, Mrs. W$. Harrisoni $ aies Jrs. Frederick 'was Mllss Mapion Sprcnqer of J<eniiworîh. 1,or her wcdding. whiclî took Vhetson, Mrs. place ini the home of lier iiiother, Airs. Iv. T. Sprengcr, thie bride worc .wh 1h' anetka. Aduit veclveî and a fin qer-îit. veil. Sfic anddAir. Scates arc iîaw ai homeè in also be avail.. OoiiiooWs îs. E. Jewell Dick, .Mr. rederick Henkel, Mrs. koop-. Mrs., H. 1. Skin- ;E. Sawyer Smith are )stesses for this -inter- Skokie Club Lays Pians for 4 Holiday Parfies Holiday Dances The Holidav calendar at. Siawn (! Count'-v club> includes a junior .11igh Glencoe, not, later tijanThra. Decenmber 12. MNrs. B. H. Gýoodnlaiî, chiîran of the s;ocial1 collrnilttee. Is MII ( ar.. o hic nchecon arrat-nLc - unents. I ~r~ ntis cordially invitcd to at- td the 1luncheon and participate in tlhùe day'sactivities. Carolers Again fo Sing at Indien Hil Club 'l'lie t is taiilitg teatuire of the Chrstia',festivitv at Indian If illi Cl) us the carol siuîging.