éttonsor ail satin. G-d. r.d, m int 'nd &que, with blac, gold or mift Switb brown. Vely.t robes in exquiut. iewel tones. Satin tratioc lever! kiilO privý lswitnered andi beconie a Itheir brains. -That is -a - habit- that, 1g. iust be fully overcome if the ilus of iey Recklessly Wasted Whichi the voter complains are to be ie tax monley is recklessly cured. Just because some friend or here can be nio doubt, but acquaintance says' "Vote for Bill more often lies ini the in-. Smithlie' a, good fellow," is nu officiais to spend it to the suificien t rseason for voting for Bill Sof the taxpayer, than in Smith. The- voter needs to learn for dishonesty. The adminis- 1h*InifwatsroflnBiSmh 1a governniental unit, how- is V!t is his record ? Has hie held 1, is a, business proposition, office previously? Is hie a perennial the very highest quality, of candidate? Dues hie know hiow to Leumen, a grasp of the fun - spend his owni money su as tô get the of commercialismi an d a grcatest possible value for every e of the manner in which dollar, and 'before learning to spend Dncerns handie their a21T2rs ih did lie learn h 1.-..t - -- > - JA-s ~dsh Anc s...