NOW ONLY court isit Home -s Departmnent Announce New Trier's cs uperv isors and 1936 Football Sehedule, sf romn ten states- Xýew Trier's first Suburban league niesota, South Da- football opponent next fall will be Michigaln. Califor- Proviso Township High school of Utah, A rizona and Maywood, which lost to New Trier, e honme econorniics 13 to 6, this year. The opening garne :iass roonis at New wil. be -played Septemnber, 26 at New ay. Trier. The remnainder of New Trier's -e in CIiýéago to at- ]cagnie schetdule will bc as follows: convention of the Morton at New Trier, October 3; mal association hast New Trier at Oak Park, October 17, dors V: