L-bowling swing iii' Bleser's Standing: r could do latter-a j-unior. one gamie. the evening IN, TEMPORARY QLJARTERS f rom Edel- Dr. George. Ambuebi, whose dental f rom sixth office at Fourth street and Linden avenue was recentiy damaged by fire, nette Auto will be at Dr. Carl A. Reeb's office idual series in the Wiîrnette State Bank building with game begio.ning December 5, until repairs His team- are made on the Linden avenue a207 gamie. building. Work is underway, Dr. khlitz teani Ambuei said, and he expects to be Straub, 226. back, at his old, location about Jan- orge Braun, uary 1. esides those _________ Buna Udel' Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Rossman, Ebbinz of lf. - years Dur- witn a st cases, it expni mette f to Sez nce hei