$M ýW1 04~ To th etissonpato h seon -loo toy deprten at~ th Môpôy, a 4 ai.éetyMrhl il n oPn tr inrdue in- th midl wetatri 'ason dçtoa a ascesu er- in the ' eat 'i"-- fea andr-4 tos4r'faue e l at tuve exh t i~r- ChadlW Chit -il' >tMi4s yer The 4 - '4t mas~~~~~~~4 to 44apr fwhc sas a peilehto h show ' bove 're gae i baýd nwes eleici transýand cces -4 on train and baginn inýlc ie'f l yps MÜ44 h W4 inteteletaebsies-adc4 trin ca be ' rtrled ntr ment i8y ai#o featured to miniatur displ*- hTiy typwriers chemicalth bA fom et Chanlers The "Ln ofi Toys",a Lod' is illstrte bytetre 4tga invit4d to bro4cst from* the~ Mic1ç.y Mouse Rai studio 44 which has )bwan inIstalled.t the south end of the deprtent. 4.44m th stdi, the4 childre, m el4at Claus hat thy wantfor Chistmas Th mai to departent a 2<4i e o d t s w h ic4 f.4444 444e4 a' ' 44 , 4 ",CÇ - 8 f1 44 4 _744 44 (1, 4 -V44