chest to match, $35 ; gateleg table (cost $50.00. of Puablie Works. -- $35), $12; pair of beaut. blue handblown jKieen Heat 011 Burner. Complete with A. Ei4 Bond, or a certified check made NOTICE vases, $35; child's hand decorated bed- Controls. $25.00. payable to the order of thé Wilrnette room set, 6 pieces cornpl., $35; hand 900 Ibs., Bolier Comipound. Wiil seil Park District ln the amount of five per SeaiIed Bids wiil be recelved by carved milkmaid's stool (Belian)., $9; rheap. cefltWf (5%) of thé Bld muet be de- Village Clerk of the Village of N twin beds comp, $30 each; other ln- SEE EDWARDS Posited by éach Bidder With hie Bid mette., Illinois, in the CoiInctl Room teresting. pieces of glass, china and sil-% FORD DEALERS au a guarantee that ln as theCon- thé Village HIall until 8.00. o'ciock p. ver. Appt. Winnetka 2067. 129LTN31-1te PARK RIDGE, ILLINOIS tract le awarded to hlm hé will th .December 17, 1935, for the furnisi GEN. ELECT. RE1"RIG., CRIIB, NUR- 131LTN3i-ltc ton (10) days thereafter on, receipt of Of chemivals for the Wihnette W& sery palie, rnen'as oft coUrs, size 16, flOLL BOUSE, FURN. GIRL'S SHOE writtefl notice of award, exécute such works in thé. foliowing estime chair cushion, storm windows, shutters, iekasie k. tert, contraet and furnish a satisfactory per- amouflts: laundry tub, ctothes wringer, bench isepskaes, u la, ase21. Ma r oon formance Bond. On fallure to do so b. Liquid Chiorine ....... 4,700 pouni tached, scroll saw, antique sofa and tablé, Camepus co,, ue 14. Brownie2. dresashall forfeit the deposit as liqntda.ted Activated Coi-bon ...16,0100 pgun' llbrary tables, boolçcase, child'a desk and sire 10. Dark Blu~e Ski Suit, sise 14. dam ' ages, and acceptance of the.Bld .umnmSupet 5.O0o chair, cedar chent, wafflé iron, dres suit Muskrat Jacket, size 14. Phone Wilmétte bé contingent upon thé fulfillment of Specifications anxd Instructions and tuzedo coat. Winnetka 730. 2690. 131LTN31-ltp this requi 1rement by the flidder. No Bidders may be obtained at the ol 129L3-ltp idder na.y withdraw hie Bid for a of the Village Manager ln the ViJi 12L3-lpCHILâD's HIGH CHAIR, DRESSER perlod of thirty. (30) day after the Hall, Wilmette, Illlos. DISPOSAL FR011 ANESTAT8F-12-PC. with miirror and chai.Tyeeti ,<, ý4~.. ~ TeVlaeo imtorsre