SIt wilI thus be seen that the Township tCommit- teman is to be an officiai of some importance, sitting ini on the deliberations of the Central com- mitte e, participating in its couticils -and sharing in its decisions, There is the possibility, if he be politically-minded, of building up a formidable machine for the purpose of perpetuating himself in office, thus malirg it stili more difficiult to bring about reforms. One*cannot ignore the fact that, disturbing as it may be, the Township Coin- mitteeman plan follows, ini the country towns. what was accomplished in Chicago when the ward committeemnan systern was established. In On January 1 the National Safety council will inaugurate a five-year country-wide campaign to save 38,000 people from being killed by automo- biles. This cëampaigu *will be Iocalized for each state anld for practically each._çjty1, where closest cooperation will be maintained with 'public offi- cials, traffic safety leaders, safety groups, educa- tional heads, civic organizations and interested individuals. Dn oi ýnce. the, engir i of the existirig standardize the 1 methods proved ýely educational, oad program of activities. The just as did those on' the bottles, 'andi the stailxp will be an exact imitation. But can he fool Wrecksy and Little Hanky? "Hey, Tony. Could you fix. a f ellow up with a peck of Early Oliios and five pounds of Idabos? Got a littie compaivy coming ini tcnight and muist have soinething handy." "Sure," says Tony. "Gotta (la fina po- taté. No can tella from da real govanlein'stiiff.' Bringa heem in by da alley. Safa like nothin'. Tugawella? Wallaca? Poof !" And now a New Dealer admits that the farmner or the consumer or both pays the process&nig ta-,. It bas, hie says, been passed on to the biuyer. or to the fariner in lower prices for. what hé seils.