+ Whit, they Iast Supt. M. P. (iattney to parents urges. - "Your es you .and welcomes your ini this event." that traffic congestion o11 avenue in front of the be relieved, parents have ted to use Sunset avenue -of the school for auto- formerly $22.75 .and "Where A~re jobs aîîd. How% to Find Thm;Capt. J ohn trfig, who supervises 85 per cent oi the undersea photography for Htollywood pro- ducers, wit*1 an illustrated lecture on his experlences producing aciventure- thrill pictures; Bralison de Cou, dt greatest repeat lecturer in the coun-. try, with more of his Dreani Pi*C- tures; and Glenn Frank, president of the University of Wisconsin. An- nouncement -of other lectures wilI be nmade next week. Formlate Exeoimtive Board .1'o administer1 1>i thNew'rit busine ss aff airb T'