last G.reat L tered.-J Five Kenilworth GuiIds WMIIMeeI 'Nexf Mondi t Ic onday, th Mrs ýs en- Mrs. William G. Hibbard, a Win- urday- ir< netkan who is prominent, flot only 80- gives one cially, but in League of Women a partym Voters. work, and for bier work alorig 8,30 o'cloc civic antd philanthropic lines, a woman In tbe ri who has been recognized for her Mrs. Davi in terest in and work for international president &y cooperation as a national officer of Arthur J.1 'Ythe 1eaue of Women Voters, as well ning; Mr. f the las for ber activity i state and county Mr. and 1 are to leagues, will be the' speaker at the and Mr s. worth next meeting of the Kenilworth Mrs. Boyi Chase L.eague of Wornen Voters Thursday, H. WN.IKir ~310 November 7, at the Kenilworth club. Hebel, Mr .1 1 - - - 1. M r n d andi escorts, on Sat- November 9, when it strictly social events, ancing and cards, at 1 Mvrs .Oscai îupfer i ney all wore nowers at the Uack 01 -their hair. SMrs. Briglit wore lamné ini rust 3shade and carried talisman roses; the ,t. bridegroom's mother was in black, vvith orchids. d The red of the draperies ini the elounge of Shawnee Country club blended with the gowns of the mem- >bers of the bridai party as they took thieir place before the fireplace at 8:30 o'clock. Festoons of oak leaves . and clusters of yellow chirysanthie- munis i baskets at each pillar marked rthe wav to the altar imnprovised at the fireplace andi graced Qfly with can- dies. The Rev. HIubert Carleton read