date is as arphIets concerning the af- ý taverui respectively, the ox cafe the governient, it is poinite<l lost two out of three to Krier's huf- ,rs. Satier. Includeil are the hi ,and tihe Wilniiette Tailors lost non-partisan ev'ahiationis of 1 twvo out of three to BIeser's acadenmy. iniistration proposais amdi ail Mike Loutch rolled 234 to take lu- e Proposais andl Public qtles- fdividual honors. Secolnd high Hmdi- vidual gainevas rot'Ied by joe Ross- able in Time of Change Iberger, 232. type of service is especiallv Other highi scorers werc *tcain at a.timeNien so a mriv core ,for three. garnes-Teatro dcl 'PC of scienti >art of this i.we .ave realize wihen te Leslie that thoroi olnt b leagtie the ad and pi d to aý h ave I I