league iionahute, and Junkin. DMc- Logion Auxiliary Oullines Prograrn upon MuI >aye( and Wol )mew's church. For ubers of the United committee for the [oly 'Comforter have ig their. local collec- gathered together at the service last Mrs. Burt A. Crowe of a rlcnw- ýlest tee.. course is ýý 14. andi tatives xromi M rs. X\Thit.. Mlfr s. S. A. Mrs. XVaI- *u cu ()f . lI«~~, 'VI 11 DC theI speaker at the three remaining ses-, sions of the school, Dr. Staley. is a brilliant young eÇonomist, who lhas just returned from a year of research and teaching close to the 'interna- tionial front' at Geneva, Switzerland. On Saturdav, Fehruarv 22, his sub. ject wilI. be 'Economic Factors in the Cause of. War'; on March 28, he xvilI discuss the role of 'The Private In- vestor in International Politics,' and at the concluding, session on April 25, 'Laissez-Faire, Versus Planning -International Implications.' "The Schôol of Foreign Affairs an-