LPr. S. J. Wi'lIsopi, President of Loyola university, heads the grouj> of proini- nent educators, inenibers of the Loyola faculty, who u'iIl give a se> jès of lectures this u'in fer, sponî*ored by the North Shore Catholic Wo, nau's Icague. Tupen tiell; century probleins will bc coiîsidered ini these lectures; tobc1 given thec irst fl'dnesdv wrnnqeach uoith at flic Ili ictaf'oiiia;'s clu~b. Jae Normoni Is Feted Has DsfingUished Guesi Preceding Her Marriage D. W. A. Kinain of Washington, D.C', ias the guest recently of Mrs. 'Hlrec nre-ntinti.al 2ffairs were Oven Daniel St.ecker of 422 F ai