bow on lher liat to match ber dress She carr ied a bouquet of gold clhrvs- anthemunis anid. ellow roses. 'The hridesmnaids, Miss Toretta Vh i t c *Miss Mary Franke LemmQn, Mrs. john Oliver, and Mrs. Henry V. Pel- to, w %ere gowned in Italian rvd * moiré, the bow,%s on their hats liied with gold to mxatch' their slippers. The . chrysanthemunis îl1ey carriç(l matched their dresses and 'had vellow centers to carry out the accent " goId. The bride's mother wore a corsage of orchids with bier. sapphire blue velvet dress and hat. The mothet of MN rs Ray Warwick r trothal waý tea last S yolnng penl to take pla %'f; nb were and a 1Mr. home ended bIy( x intinatc. f id Mrs, W i that foIIowvcd n1y the familIN iends. ite wlIIbe ai r10, at 1929- A S of ti nlext the Service club. Mr. tended Northwestern u is a meinber of Phi r of atmr iat- ton on tht and riow on the< hecti City. Their definite. the tulturi 10o Tele- to Bos- ta Jero and arc ew York At a rei 'e are in-' guests last M rs. Siimc >me L. Siegel cefption for four t SSaturday eveiiing .. on B. Wax, of WV *1' W/ax, IsBetrothed ind(red r. alnd