reGilip.Carey hot insulation and Stoe, Wl tt. j. n No rth , Sh1 a sold the 120 acre estate of Louis Col- treasurer of the U. S. Gypsumn weatherstStone, Wonmettendand North Shore.lins en Forest Lake road in Barrington pany, purchased the residencea maeut ercpngon cai h elewindo s l el to Dr. E. Muchler. This estate bas Randolph street, Glencoe. The1 Era air conditioniflg systern with which H. L. MctDaniel and W. A. Sadler, recently undergone extensive inprove- is red brick, English i arcbiteq each bouse is equippeci. president and vice-president respec- nients, including several newand at.- There are eight roonis and Ranges ancirefrigerators are provided tively of the Evanston-North Shore tractivé farrn buildings, a splendid baths. The seller was the Mi and an ample allowance bas been made board, and George J. Cyrus were also water system, landscaping, etc. Dr. Protective association of Fort W frlandscaping. present. k<ueller expects to occupy the estate Ind. fr Unusual TaauationasaaiyereidceNoonir John N. Ott, Jr., formerly of atioii was given but the property has nek, but now living in Glenco( "This was an unusual transaction,"K nlofi B idn enhl t$500 a Hlckfbug naref states Crane of Quinlan & Tyson, benbida 4,O0 el alc bub n ceo property on "in that it is the first istance we know Outlook Encouraging Mead and Coe were associate brokers Wocodley road, south wet of transaction. f n nvstr uid-netka, froni the Woodley Road of. ~ ~ th intismreto a estrtyped- Wbile only two building permits In. the ,residential department, the dicates. ing modern homes of t--at tty e re isued .in Kenilworth <lurina A 1r. e -h fll,%&;ny al- - - ý%,ý -- - -